Understanding The Impact OF Electronic Pollution

amishairlinesWe are being exposed to more and more radio-frequency radiation and high frequency transmissions from cell phones, transmission towers, terrestrial antennas, Wi-Fi and Wi-Max telecommunication systems, broadband connections being sent over power lines and our own personal electronic equipment.

Is there a way to turn the clock back to see the difference now versus years ago in the impact of this electronic pollution?

Well, there is. Dr. Samuel Milham has found that Old-Order Amish people, who don’t use electricity, had lower rates of diabetes, heart disease, suicide and cancer.

They also have uncommonly low levels of neurodegenerative disease and not one case of ADHD.

Probiotics-Even More Amazing Facts About Our Gut

probiotics2While the facts about our oceans are pretty amazing, there are even more amazing things going on inside our bodies. Our guts are host to 200 trillion (that’s trillion with a T) bacteria, viruses and fungi.

When these diverse communities are in synch they actually protect our bodies from invasion by harmful bacteria and viruses. As we assault our bodies with antibiotics, we are killing off this gut diversity and making it much easier for bad bacteria and viruses to colonize our interiors.

Attempting to protect ourselves from all the “germs” around us may be the wrong way to protect ourselves from the more dangerous and deadly viruses and bacteria around us. We should be aiming to enrich our gut’s diversity instead by feeding our critters by taking probiotics!

Amazing Facts About Our Ocean

Antarctic-OceanScientists have recently discovered a new deep-ocean current starting in Antarctica and flowing north which carries oxygenated water into the Indian and Pacific oceans.

Here’s the amazing part. This flow is 3.2 billion gallons per second. This is the equivalent of 40 Amazon Rivers.

Even more amazing is the amount of water flowing in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current–34.3 billion gallons per second! The things were don’t know about our world are simply astounding.

In addition, take a guess as to how many bacterial cells are in a cubic centimeter of ocean water. How about 1 million? These vast numbers of cells produce half of the oxygen in our atmosphere.

Collectively, these bacteria cells weigh more than 240 billion African elephants. And we view ourselves as the top species on the planet!