Needle Biopsies Of Breasts May Spread Cancer Cells


Needle biopsies are used in the diagnosis of breast cancer. However, according to Dr. Julian Whitaker, the safety or efficacy of needle biopsy has never been scientifically confirmed. To conduct a needle biopsy, the physician must pierce the encapsulated tumor in order to obtain samples for testing.

In a study conducted by the John Wayne Cancer Institute, researchers found that women who had undergone a needle biopsy were 50% more likely to have the cancer from their breast tumor spread to the lymph node adjacent to the tumor. The researchers stated that the probable cause of the metastasis was “the mechanical disruption of the tumor by the needle.”

So…there are safer, non-invasive alternatives to needle biopsy. One alternative is Thermography. This uses digital imaging to measure temperature variations in the body. This sensitive screening tool can often detect tumors earlier than other diagnostic tests. You can also use CT scans, MRIs, PET scans and ultrasound. For more information on needle biopsy, visit

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Kudzu May Actually Have A Purpose – Curbing Binge Drinking


A report in the Journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, found that the herb, kudzu, which grows abundantly in Southeastern states, may be effective as a means of reducing alcohol consumption.

Subjects in the study who regularly consumed 3 to 4 drinks per day were given either kudzu or a placebo for seven days. When they were subsequently given the opportunity to drink as much beer as they wanted, the subjects drank an average of 1.8 beers as compared to 3.5 beers for the controls.

The subjects both increased the time it took to consume their beer and decreased the amount taken with each sip. So…just think… this roadside weed may have a real use! 

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->Feel free to search through the Teplitz Report archives for more information.

Taking Multiple Drugs Can Be Hazardous To Your Health


I recently read an article by Gary Graig on The Menacing Mathematics of Multiple Meds. He offered a fascinating discussion on the interactions of different medications. Very few drugs have been tested to see if there are negative side effects when you take them with other drugs. While the odds of negative side effects might be small when you take just one drug, the math changes as you increase the number of drugs a person is taking.

To test three drugs for adequate safety in the various combinations would require 7 separate tests. If you take 4 drugs, the combinations require 25 separate tests. Taking 5 drugs calls for 121 tests and 10 drugs would require 362,881 separate tests.

How many people are taking between 5 and 10 drugs a day and have no idea what the combination of these drugs will do? I personally remember when my father was in a nursing home taking multiple drugs each day. When they added another drug he started to develop dementia symptoms.

Since the symptoms didn’t show up immediately after he started to take it, it took a while for us to realize what was happening. My brother is the one who actually told the doctor to take him off the drug.

The result – his symptoms disappeared almost overnight.
So…if you know someone taking a lot of drugs, be very wary when other unexplained symptoms show up. It may be due to side effects.

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Skip The Drugs For Your Hyperactive Kids

A five-year study of 135 preschool students with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), reported in School Psychology Review August 2007, found that non-drug interventions work effectively to prevent behavioral and academic problems in infants.

The interventions emphasized positive support in the home and at school resulting in a 17% decrease in aggression and a 21% improvement in social skills at home. At school, aggression decreased 28% and social skills improved 28%. The kids’ literacy skills increased up to three times their starting level.

The lead author of the study, George DuPaul, Ph.D., said that while medications for ADHD may treat symptoms, they do not improve the children’s academic and social skills the way behavioral interventions may.

From the research that I’ve seen, all they need to add to this to get even better results are the Brain Gym® movement exercises. To read a summary of the Brain Gym research and its power to help kids and adults reach their full potential, go to

I also found a book which I recommend that deals with children and Brain-Gym, which you can find here:

Combinations Of Food Additives and ADHD


A two-year study published in the Toxicological Sciences journal found that food additives that are safe by themselves are dangerous when consumed in combination. The researchers exposed mice to four common food additives (Brilliant Blue, MSG, Quinoline Yellow and aspartame) and examined the effects in the brain. The researchers found that, when combined, the additives interfered with the nerve signaling systems and actually stopped nerves from growing.

This interference with nerve cell growth in the brain may be contributing to the epidemic attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD in kids. So…feeding diet soda, which contains aspartame, and crackers with processed cheese, which contains MSG, to your kids may actually be setting them up to experience learning challenges.



Neurofeedback, which is a type of Biofeedback used by hypnotherapists, is being used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Twenty sessions saw the 20 children in the study having as much improvement as conventional drug treatments.

Call 303 422-8436 to find someone skilled in Neurofeedback.

Another option that I've mentioned in previous Teplitz posts is to get Steven Halpern's tapes Enhancing Self-Esteem and Accelerated Learning. They are both on my web site under Books and Tapes.

>Helpful Halpern Subliminals<

Since you learn best when you're relaxed, create the optimal sound environment in which you retain and recall information more effectively. With Halpern's tapes, the music becomes transparent and non-distracting as it orchestrates whole brain learning. Recommended for students of all ages, including ADD/ADHD.