Helping To Alleviate The Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease

Dr Julian Whitaker in his September newsletter talked about the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to reduce the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, with  “astounding” results in some cases.

In HBOT a person is placed in a pressure chamber similar to the ones scuba divers use to decompress from the bends. HBOT floods the body with oxygen and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels that nourish the brain. It also promotes the regeneration of neurons while it slows the death of neurons in the region of the brain that Parkinson’s affects.

Dr. Whitaker reported that HBOT improved symptoms such as rigidity, posture, gait, tremors, speech and facial expressions, as well as the ability to carry out the activities of daily living. Dr. Whitaker also uses intravenous gluthathione in conjunction HBOT.

So…if you know someone with Parkinson’s, see if you can get them to a HBOT chamber. You can do a Google search to find out if there’s a chamber near you.

Cut The Need For Arthritis Drugs By Using Cod Liver Oil

Since I’m talking about arthritis, there was a study reported in Rheumatology (March 24, 2008) about the impact of taking cod liver oil once a day for relief of arthritis pain.

The researchers gave patients either 10 g of cod liver oil or a placebo daily. After 12 weeks they found that 39% of the patients on the cod liver oil were able to reduce the need for drugs versus 10% for the placebo group.

So… to better control your rheumatoid arthritis use your mind and use cod liver oil.

Stop Taking Antibiotics Before Common Dental Procedures

According to the American Medical Association, there is no proof that antibiotics taken before common dental procedures, including extractions, prevent heart infections by preventing bacteria from getting into the bloodstream.

Instead, the risks of side effects from the drugs and from your developing antibiotic resistance outweigh the benefits.

The only exceptions are for people who have already had heart infections (called endocarditis), have artificial heart valves, or other serious heart-related health problems.

So…if your dentist offers drugs (the antibiotic kind) and you don’t have any of those problems, say thank you, but no thank you.