SOS Next Training Opportunity In Canada–Feb 2012

Success-Switched-On-Seminars-TeplitzYou’re Crazy… If You Don’t Take The Next Opportunity To Attend the Switched-On Selling™ and Switched-On Network Marketing™ Seminars & Instructor Trainings.

Because of the powerful impact of my Switched-On Selling™ (SOS) and Switched-On Network Marketing™ Seminars (SONM), you’ve got to be crazy to pass up the opportunity to take the class I’m conducting February, 2012 in Toronto, Canada.

All you have to do to convince yourself is take the time to read some of the research studies we’ve done over the last 22 years validating the impact of these training programs (Click here to read them now).

Let me put it this way - don’t spend another cent on a sales training seminar, CD, DVD or book until you’ve taken either the Switched-On Selling™ or Switched-On Network™ Marketing Seminars.

Put All Other Training on Hold Until You Master SOS:
“Of all the Superstars that I have coached —Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Mark Hansen, John Gray, Lisa Nichols, and so many others—and assisted along their journey, Dr. Jerry Teplitz is my favorite for deep content. His immediate ‘stick to the ribs,’ CEO-level put-it-in-the-workplace processes can change your bottom line results in a single session.

On sales and marketing, Dr. Teplitz is the leading master trainer in the world today.  That’s why we literally BEG Jerry to teach at our trade shows for the world’s elite business leaders five times a year.

Put all other training on hold until you master Switched-On Selling™ - then watch the impact this powerful training will have on your profit account next quarter.”
B.J. Dohrmann, Founder of CEOSPACE, best- selling author, and Radio show host

These seminars are absolutely unique, helping you to rewire your brain so that whatever is stopping you from being successful in sales or network marketing will be gone in minutes. Once you’ve finished the class, you can go back to learning the technique side of selling or network marketing and you’ll find it’s a breeze to actually do what you’re learning.

Let me give you one example of the impact that the Switched-On Selling™ Seminar had on Serge Gravelle, President/CEO of My Mall Network Corporation. Serge is a webmaster and had gone to a conference three times to market his web services without closing a single sale. Here’s what changed for Serge within 24 hours after attending the SOS Seminar:

“The results were instantaneous. At the end of the first day we had closed seven contracts, seven times more than we had done during the preceding eight months. By the end of the show, we had signed eighteen contracts. The best part is that I enjoyed making the sales, a feeling I had a hard time experiencing in the past."

Let me share with you the actual statistics from a company that put their sales force through the SOS seminar during the middle of the worst recession since the depression.  

Kevin Kordek is the CEO of A-Active Termite and Pest Control and the immediate past president of the National Pest Control Association. In August 2009, he decided to put half his sales force through the one-day Switched-On Selling™ Seminar. The results were so positive that Kevin put the rest of his people through the seminar in October.

I spoke to him over a year later and Kordek told me results started happening from the first group of eight sales people he put through the seminar. Kevin said six of them immediately jumped above his top-tier salespeople. They set an entirely new level of success within the company!

After putting the rest of the sales force through the seminar, he told me his company became the #1 distributor in the country on two of his high-end product lines, and that one of his salespeople even increased his closing percentage by 300 percent!

Keep in mind this was during the recession and the slow recovery while most of the other companies in the Pest Control industry were falling apart.

Was there anything special or different about Kevin’s sales people? I asked Kevin and he simply said “No. The first group was made up of mediocre sales people before they attended the one day SOS seminar.”

To help entice you to come with us to Canada in February, 2012 to attend the class, I have set up an early bird registration fee and all persons who register for either the SOS or SONM Seminars, you will also receive a F.R.E.E. copy of my Amazon #1 bestselling book Switched-On Selling: Balance Your Brain For Sales Success!

For more information about the Switched-On Selling Seminar and to register, go to

For more information about the Switched-On Network Marketing Seminar and to register, go to

Remember, instead of being crazy for not attending the SOS or SONM Seminars, you can be labeled “Very Smart!”

SPECIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FLASH: If you are looking for a business opportunity you can become certified to teach these seminars, the Instructor Training will be September 9-11. Here’s the link for you to find out more about how you can become an Instructor.