Organic Products Are Booming But Government Funding Isn’t

As you may be aware, you are finding more and more products on your grocer’s shelves that are organic. The category is growing so fast that Stonyhill Farms, an organic yogurt manufacturer, is even running out of organic cows to meet the demand.

It seems the only ones unaware of this trend is Congress. They just approved an amendment raising the funding for organic agriculture research from $1.8 million per year to $5 million. While this sounds like a big increase, when you compare it to the Department of Agriculture’s annual $90 billion budget and the $25 billion (not millions) that goes to annual crop subsidies to farms that depend on chemical farming and to research in genetically engineered crops, it turns out to be a paltry amount.

So…in the coming years, if you can’t find organic products when you want them, just remember how Washington sets it priorities. Pop your Congressional and Senatorial representatives an email – and – if you’d like to make your opinion count.


Alternative Clinics Offer Holistic Ways To Beat Addiction

This was the headline of a story in Alternative Health magazine. The traditional medical and the 12-step program route to helping people heal their addictions have not been very successful. Between 70 to 85% of addicts that complete these programs relapse in 6 to 12 months. If this was a business, the business would be bankrupt very quickly. Until recently there haven’t been many other effective options available. Now there are.

Some alternative health clinics are boosting success rates in working with all kinds of addictions to as high as 85%! One of the ways that the holistic approach is different from the other approaches is in the realization that alcoholism and drug abuse can ravage the GI tract thereby limiting the ability of the body to absorb nutrients from foods. Therefore, these clinics are pumping nutrients into the patient’s body through IV and oral nutrient therapies. The clinics are also able to customize the nutrient formula based on which substance the patient is withdrawing from. Some might get nutrients that have a calming impact whereas others may get some that stimulate their brains.

One study had 15 newly sober patients in it. They all rated the severity of 15 “abstinence symptoms”, such as, cravings, anxiety, depression, etc., both before and after 6 days of IV and oral nutrition therapy. All 15 found abstinence symptoms were radically reduced which made it far easier for them to maintain their sobriety.

Alternative clinics are also very effectively using ear acupuncture to increase the success rate in the elimination of addictions. So...if you or someone you love has an addiction, don’t walk – run to the nearest clinic of this type.

Here are some clinics you can go to:,,


Around once a year I will start to feel a cold creeping in. For me, it starts in my throat area. Here's what I do to literally stop it in its tracks so it is gone before it really takes hold - which usually means in one to three days.

I will immediately start taking these vitamins and herbs in these dosages:

  • Echinacea - whatever the bottle says, I double it and take it morning and night.
  • Vitamin C - 1500 to 2000 mg every hour or two. Don't be concerned about taking too much, as Vitamin C gets used up immediately (water soluable) especially fast whenever your body is under stress, and a cold is a major stress to the system.
  • Vitamin A - 50,000 IUs twice a day. Vitamin A is involved with the epithealeal tissue of the body. That's the top layer of our skin. Epithealeal tissue also covers our lungs.
  • Zinc lozenges - 60 to 80 mg per day. You need to suck on these, as the zinc absorbs through the mouth. The positive impact doesn't work if you simply swallow it.

Let me know what happens if you use my formula.

Technorati Tags: ,,,,,,Echinacea,herbal remedies,Jerry Teplitz

Change What Your Kids Eat At School - Change Their Behavior

The Central Alternative School in Appleton , Wisconsin eliminated candy and junk foods from vending machines and their cooks started serving fresh, whole foods. What kind of results could you expect? How about the following: discipline problems just about disappeared, attendance skyrocketed and academic performance improved. In addition problems with dropouts, expulsions, weapons, drug use and suicides dropped to zero. That's right - zero!

The program was so successful that the superintendent introduced it to all schools in the district. You can get a DVD that highlights the five year study on the school's nutrition program at

So...if the schools your kids attend aren't showing these kinds of positive changes, get the study and start pushing your school district to change the foods it serves your kids. It's your kids, their health and their performance that's at stake. 

Vitamin E Gets A Bum Rap

You may have read the headlines recently stating that vitamin E supplementation does more harm than good.

There was a study published online in the Annals of Internal Medicine that did what's called a meta-analysis of the results of 19 clinical trials on vitamin E.  These researchers reported that taking high doses of vitamin E (greater than 400 IU per day) increased risk of all-cause mortality and concluded that high dose vitamin E supplements should be avoided.

Below is what I received from Dr. Julian Whitaker refuting the validity of this study. After you read this I think you'll agree that the media wasn't giving the best information in reporting this supposed story. Dr. Whitaker: First, the participants in this review of studies were already suffering from a wide range of medical conditions from heart disease and cancer to kidney disease and Alzheimer's. As the researchers themselves admitted, it's impossible to ascertain if results would be the same in a healthy population.

Second, the statistical analysis is suspect. Only nine of the 19 studies focused solely on vitamin E, while 10 looked at vitamin E combined with other vitamins and minerals. Thus, any outcome can hardly be conclusive.

Therefore, headlines screaming "Vitamin E may raise death rates" or "Vitamin E might make heart disease worse" are irresponsible, unfounded, and an unnecessary scare tactic.

The benefits of vitamin E supplementation are well documented. I emphatically believe that not only is the use of vitamin E safe, but highly therapeutic. Thousands of studies support vitamin E's role in cardiovascular disease, immune function, and a number of other conditions.

The Institute of Medicine and the federal government agree that vitamin E is safe at levels as high as 1600 IU per day for natural vitamin E (the form I recommend you use) or 1000 IU of synthetic vitamin E, the form most likely used in this study. According to the Council for Responsible Nutrition, "This meta-analysis provides no convincing evidence to the contrary."

Skip The Drugs For Your Hyperactive Kids

A five-year study of 135 preschool students with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), reported in School Psychology Review August 2007, found that non-drug interventions work effectively to prevent behavioral and academic problems in infants.

The interventions emphasized positive support in the home and at school resulting in a 17% decrease in aggression and a 21% improvement in social skills at home. At school, aggression decreased 28% and social skills improved 28%. The kids’ literacy skills increased up to three times their starting level.

The lead author of the study, George DuPaul, Ph.D., said that while medications for ADHD may treat symptoms, they do not improve the children’s academic and social skills the way behavioral interventions may.

From the research that I’ve seen, all they need to add to this to get even better results are the Brain Gym® movement exercises. To read a summary of the Brain Gym research and its power to help kids and adults reach their full potential, go to and click on the Brain Gym research button.



In my seminars where I demonstrate applied and behavioral kinesiology (muscle checking), I talk about how we are electric systems and how we produce 22 millivolts of electricity within our bodies.

A blurb in DISCOVER MAGAZINE reported that scientists at the California Institute of Technology discovered long strings of our DNA carry electricity.

They speculated that these strings of DNA may be the equivalent of our interstate system carrying messages from one gene to another located at an exit ramp.  So, my speculation would be that the muscle checking is tapping into this highway and giving us immediate feedback on what's going on inside us.


Vitamin A May Reduce Emphysema In Smokers

A report in the Thie Newsletter reported on research from Kansas State University that found that rats that had a high level of Vitamin A and were exposed to cigarette smoke experienced a great reduction in emphysema.

So…if you're a smoker or exposed to secondary smoke, you might want to make sure you include Vitamin A with your other supplements.

Study Of Vitamin E And Diabetes

A study recently published in the journal Diabetes Care supports the benefits of Vitamin E. This study looked at both Vitamin E and the beta carotenoid beta-cryptoxanthin and its impact on the development of type II diabetes.

The study had 4,300 men and woman who were free of diabetes at the beginning of the study. The researchers did an analysis of the diets and found that those consuming the highest amounts of Vitamin E were 31% less likely to develop diabetes and those taking the beta-cryptoxanthin reduced their risk by 42%.

So… if you are taking Vitamin E, keep on taking it and if you're not I'd suggest adding 400 to 800 IUs per day. One other thing, when you look at the label it should say d-alpha tocopherol and not dl-alpha tocopherol. The addition of the letter l (dl) means it's synthetic.

A Way To Protect Yourself From The Flu

Dr. Julian Whitaker has written about an interesting approach to preventing the flu. The flu emerges every year in November and ends around March. In the Southern Hemisphere, however, the flu months are from June through September. Is this an interesting coincidence? Is there something more to it? Dr. Whitaker thinks there’s more to it; he thinks the key element is the lack of sunlight which results in the lack of production of Vitamin D in our skin.

There is some research to back up this claim. In recent years, Vitamin D has been found to release what are called antimicrobial peptides that are very potent. A study published in Science even found that these peptides from Vitamin D can actually kill the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis.

If you are in a Northern climate, you might want to take around 2,000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day. On a sunny summer day, your body produces 20,000 IUs of D in just 20 minutes! If you are in a Southern climate, get outside without sunscreen for at least 10 minutes per day.

So…give it a whirl since Vitamin D is very safe and 2,000 IU per day is not a very high dose.

Lower Back Shiatsu Introductory Special!

If you Have Lower Back Pain, You Want To Read This

I’ve just finished creating a video of a Shiatsu Treatment that you can use to stop your lower back pain. Shiatsu was developed as the lay person's form of acupuncture based on the ancient Japanese art of massage originating over 4,000 years ago.  The lower back pain treatment that I teach is one you can do for yourself or for someone else.

I’ve created the program as an online downloadable video. The regular price will be $19.97 for someone to download it. Since this is a brand new product, I’d like to offer you a Special Introductory Rate of only $9.97 because you are a Teplitz Subscriber.  I'm also including FREE my special 24-page Report on Eliminating Lower Back Pain & Suffering (valued at $24.97).   This offer is especially for my subscribers and good until canceled.

You Can Go Here to find out more about Shiatsu, but be sure to click here to get this specially priced package!


Take Fish Oil to Cut The Risk Of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Researchers reported in the Archives of Ophthalmology that fish oil can help us from losing our vision.

In this study, scientists reviewed results of the Blue Mountain’s Eye Study which tracked 3,654 people. Participants completed a food frequency questionnaire and were re-examined after five years.

Researchers found that those who ate three or more portions of fish per week experienced a 70% reduction in the risk of developing Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Those who ate fish once a week had a 40% reduction in risk.

So…do I smell fish cooking in the kitchen?


A little wine may do more than we thought. New research seems to indicate that the key benefit may be coming from the ethanol. It can raise HDL cholesterol levels (which is the good kind). Now it may reduce complications for diabetics by improving the cells' ability to respond to insulin.

How about weight loss? The Nurses' Health Study found that non-drinkers were twice as likely to be obese as moderate drinkers were. This result may not apply to men.

How about Alzheimer's? An 18-year study found those who drank one alcoholic beverage per day were 40 percent less likely to have poor scores on tests of cognitive function. However, those having more than four drinks a day were 29% more likely to show mental deficits.

How about Osteoporosis? A study of 3,200 postmenopausal women found those who drank a drink a day kept three times more bone mass than non-drinkers.

So what does all this mean? A drink a day may be a very good idea for many reasons.


Leg cramps that happen at night can really disturb your sleeping. There are some natural remedies you can consider.

The first is taking Vitamin E. You can take about 800 to 1200 mgs per day.

The second is calcium supplements. You can take 1,000 mg per day.

The final option is taking a Vitamin B Complex. Just make sure there is 150 mcg of Vitamin B12 in it. There was a study published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology showing that this reduced the intensity of nighttime leg cramps by 86% after 3 months.

And the old banana before bedtime certainly can't hurt.


Genetically Engineered Cows Milk Leads To Twins

A study recently published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine found that a group of women who consumed milk products from cows given genetically engineered hormones had a five times greater chance of giving birth to fraternal twins than a group of vegans who didn’t consume any milk products.

The study found that the growth hormone used in cows increased ovulations in the women and that the hormone persisted in the women’s bodies after it was consumed. Since the FDA does not require that food manufacturers label genetically engineered foods, the only way to avoid the bovine growth hormone is to buy organic milk.

And once again, if you’d like to make your opinion count about the foods you and your loved ones eat, pop an email to you-know-who…

Going Overseas To Seek Medical Treatment

The number of Americans going overseas to receive medical procedures has been growing dramatically, to over 500,000 in 2006. It’s being driven by cost savings as well as the increase in the quality of treatment now available in other countries. As an example, a hip replacement surgery could run $40,000 to $60,000 in the US. In a hospital in India the treatment, including travel expenses, might be as low as $15,000.

In countries like Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore and India, you can find English-speaking, Western-trained physicians and dentists practicing in state-of-the-art hospitals. Further, you get to recover and vacation in an exotic location.

Some sources for information on hospitals are:

The Joint Commission International which evaluates and accredits health care facilities abroad.  Also, look for the book Patients Beyond Borders: Everybody’s Guide to Affordable, World-Class Medical Tourism, by Josef Woodman.

Health travel agencies can plan both the medical and vacation parts of your trip. For more information see,, or



Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum of the Department of Immunology at Drew University in Los Angeles has developed a substance called MGN-3.

He has excellent research data showing it to be an extremely powerful immune system booster.  It actually combines an extract from the outer shell of rice bran with an extract from Shiitake mushrooms.

What MGN-3 does is boost the power of natural killer white blood cells. Each of these cells contains several small granules in it.  Once the cell identifies a cancer cell, it attaches itself to the cancer cell wall and injects the granules inside the cancer cell.  The granules then "explode" and destroy the cancer cell in five minutes.

You want your natural killer cells to be as active as possible.  Your doctor can actually give you a blood test to determine activity.
What the MGN-3 does is increase the number of "explosive" granules in natural killer cells.  It increases the activity as much as 30%.  MGN-3 also increases the activity of other immune cells, such as T-cells (by 200%) and Bulls (by 250%).  

MGN-3 is also totally non-toxic.


There's a new cancer development that is in clinical trials.  It was developed by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and uses antineoplastons which is a naturally occurring substance that alters the genetics of the cancer cells.

Preliminary results from six brain tumor studies gave a combined overall response rate of from 68% to 88%.  For information, call the Burzynski Clinic in Houston at (281) 597-0111