Sending Thoughts Can Affect The Growth Of Lettuce Seeds

lettuceIf you've been at one of my seminars, you may have seen me demonstrate how the sending of thoughts can impact another person.

An experiment was done by Lynne McTaggart at a seminar she was conducting for 100 people that gives further validation to the sending of thoughts. In her experiment McTaggart, who was conducting the seminar in New York State, had the attendees focus on seeds which were in England with the following intention in mind: "My intention is for all seeds in our target group to sprout at least three inches by the fourth day of growing."

The researcher found that the focused intention caused significantly larger seed growth overall in both the intention seeds and even in the control seeds as compared to earlier experiments where the intention was not as specific.

To me, this means it's important that you are clear about what you are focusing on. The old adage applies - be careful what you pray for, you might just get it.