The Brain and The Impact Of A Smile

bigsmileWhat kind of brain wave patterns does looking at someone smile trigger?

Well, it turns out that a smile triggers the same brain wave pattern as if you learned that you had just won $40,000. Researchers also discovered that those who smiled the most lived an extra seven years.

So…$40,000…Seven Years…why that’s enough to make you smile!

See The Real Difference That Organic Makes

This video was done by a schoolgirl for a science project. It graphically shows how powerful it is to buy organic.


Click here

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

submind2It turns out only a tiny portion of your mind is dedicated to conscious behavior. The rest is the subconscious mind regulating our organs, digestion, breathing and even the flashes of insight we get.

The best way to mess up this finely tuned system is to attempt to do even simple things consciously. Some simple examples: if you play the piano, concentrate on your fingers: and if you are a golfer, analyze your swing while you are doing it. This type of memory is called implicit memory, which means that your brain holds this knowledge and your mind cannot explicitly access it. These two types of memory are so distinct you can damage one without hurting the functioning of the other.

An illustration would be research that has been done with patients who cannot consciously recall new experiences in their lives. The researchers spent the afternoon teaching the patients a video game. The next day, the patients said they had no recollection of learning the game and that they had never see it before.

When the researchers looked at the patient’s performance, they found the patients improved as much as a group of controls who had no memory problems. This means the implicit part of their brain learned the game and it allowed them to improve their skills.

Another example is with dementia patients. If you read them a story one day and then read the same story the next several days, the dementia patients will become bored even though they have no conscious memory of having heard the story before.

So…if you know someone with dementia, make sure to continue to give them varied activities to do.

(Reported Discover September 2011)

Great Results At My Physical Examination

physexamWith all the things I personally do to manage my stress and increase my longevity, I thought I’d report to you the results from my latest physical examination by my doctor.

Now, keep in mind as you read these results, I turned 64 in March.

My blood pressure is 100/58 (normal for my age is 134/87), my pulse is 62 beats per minute (normal for my age is 72-75), my total cholesterol is 185 and my cholesterol ratio is a low 3.36, and my Vitamin D is 53.1 (above 50 is in the optimum rate). On every other measurement I was within the standard ranges.

The other plus is I don’t look my age, act my age or feel my age - Pretty cool!