In an area of China, residents are 100 times more likely to get stomach and esophageal cancer than people in the United States.

A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that five years of taking beta-carotene, vitamin E and selenium saw a drop in cancer deaths of 13 percent and a 9 percent drop from all other causes.

This is more proof that taking daily vitamin and mineral supplements can have a major impact on how we feel and function.


SOD May Increase Life Span

No, I'm not taking about grass, I'm taking about Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).

In the book Critical Reviews of Oxidative Stress and Aging, JS Beckman reports that SOD stops an oxidant called peroxynitrite in its tracks.

In fruit flies, the removal of SOD resulted in a 60% reduction in their life span. Adding SOD corrected that outcome.

While we are not fruit flies, it may be a good thing to consider adding SOD to your supplements. I have.

Use Vitamin D To Help Prevent Multiple Sclerosis

In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that white men and woman in the US Military with the highest blood levels of Vitamin D were 62% less likely to develop multiple sclerosis. Since there were few blacks or Hispanics in the group studied, it is unclear whether the results apply to those groups.

The researchers also found that the MS risk was especially strong in people who were younger than 20 when they entered the study. This means Vitamin D exposure before adulthood could be particularly important.

This may mean that avoiding exposure to the sun and the use of sunscreen may be contributing to the MS rate.

Consider spending 20 minutes in the sun without using sunscreen on or take a Vitamin D supplement.

Addictions Really Affect The Brain

There was an article published in July’s Time magazine about the impact of addiction on the brain. Researchers discovered that the brain of an addict, whether drugs or alcohol, has no activity in the front part of the brain where we plan, do abstract thinking and regulate our impulsive behaviors.

The parts of the brain that showed activity were related to having uncontrollable cravings. This means that addicts might be less adept at using the rationale mind to resist their addiction. The researchers found that it took about 90 days for the front part of the brain even to begin firing again, allowing the person to begin resisting their addiction.

This concept of a 90-day rehabilitation model goes along with what Alcoholics Anonymous recommends for a new member. It is also the duration of a typical stint at a drug treatment program. To me, this means the longer a person refrains from his or her addictions, the more the brain comes on-line to assist in being able to further resist the addictions.

What Have You Done For Your Stem Cells Lately?

Science is now finding that the stem cells in your body are responsible for more than 70% of your healing.

CNN has listed the recent advances in stem cell research as one of the most significant health-related stories in the past 25 years, second only to the complete mapping of the human genome.

As an adult, stem cells are found most abundantly in your bone marrow and they can be thought of as "master" cells that circulate throughout your body. One of their functions to replace dysfunctional cells, thus fulfilling the natural process of maintaining optimal health.

As you age, your body produces fewer and fewer 'usable' stem cells.

What if you could find a product that would dramatically improve the number of stem cells in your system? No kidding! No outside invasive technique, no embryonic stem cell controversy and no side effects. Well, I've run across a product that does all this called StemEnhance. It even has a US Government Patent.

When you take two capsules, the ingredients help to support the release of stem cells from your bone marrow into your bloodstream. Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel to the areas of your body where they are most needed. If you are interested in finding out more about why I am excited about this product, you can simply place a telephone call to 620 294-2904 and listen to a 7-minute recording, or you can go directly to StemHealth to take a look at this phenomenal product.

Going Green In Buildings Helps Kids In School

The concept of ‘going green’ in schools relates to both the design and the construction materials used in constructing or remodeling buildings to reduce or eliminate negative environmental effects inside the school building and on the occupants (NY State goes further and also requires the use of environmentally safe cleaning products). A study published by Turner Construction Company found that there are significant educational benefits for the students that result from making these positive changes. Two of the major areas of improvement were in better indoor air quality and in increased in natural lighting.

Some of the changes reported by ‘green’ schools are as follows:

  • 74% said it was easier to attract and retain teachers
  • 72% said that student absenteeism was reduced
  • 71% said that student’s improved their performance

So…while the initial cost for all these changes is more, the long term benefits and energy savings over the life of the school makes these initial costs insignificant. Green anyone? For more information on ‘going green’ in your kid’s school district, visit