Houseplant Your Way To Better Health

Based on the research that has been done over the years, houseplants have been shown to positively impact your life. The houseplants plants can do everything from boosting your creativity to increasing your immunity to colds. Marissa Conrad wrote in Prevention, April 2008, the following recommendations:

  1. To calm down use houseplants such as bamboo palm, Chinese evergreen, snake plant or arrowhead vines. One study found a 4-point drop in systolic blood pressure.
  2. To become more creative use African violets. A study from Texas A&M University found that a group of women increased their creativity by 13%.
  3. To fight colds use philodendrons or other ultra leafy plants in the bedroom. Because ultra leafy plants can add 5% more humidity into a room, that can be enough to alleviate cold symptoms. A study in Norway reported 37% less coughing and 25% less hoarseness in offices with these plants.
  4. To cut exposure to harmful chemicals from cleaning supplies, printers, newly painted walls or varnished furniture, use the plants Janet Craig cane plant (dracaena family) and Sweet Chico. A study from Australia found that 1 Janet Craig plant or 5 Sweet Chico spathiphylum plants reduced the chemicals in a 130 square foot room up to 70%.

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

The Oxygen Club of California held its annual meeting in March 2008. Several presentations focused on Alzheimer’s disease.

One study had patients taking 600 mg of alpha-lipoic acid per day for Alzheimers four years. Patients with early dementia who were on this regimen exhibited less deterioration in cognitive function.

Another study found that genistein from soy (tested in vitro) may prevent cognitive decline.

A third study fed pomegranate juice to mice used to model Alzheimer’s; researchers found a 50% reduction in the formation of amyloid  beta-peptides, which was associated with improved cognitive and physical performance.

When To Take Your Medications

While I attempt to keep drug taking to a minimum, this information may help you determine the best time during the day to take your takemeds meds. This research is based on the way our body’s internal clock operates.

  1. For Allergies – antihistamines – take at bedtime
  2. For Arthritis – long-acting painkillers, such as, Celebrex, Naprelan – take in the morning for osteoarthritis and a second dose at night for rheumatoid arthritis
  3. For Asthma – oral prednisone – 3 pm
  4. For High Blood Pressure – Hypertension drugs, such as, Covera-HS, Innopran XL – bedtime
  5. For High Cholesterol – short-acting statins, such as, Zocor, Lescol – bedtime

(Reported  Prevention, April 2008)