Is God Inside The Brain Or Outside? (where IS God?)

GOD Barbara Bradley Hagerty, religious correspondent for NPR, recently wrote about a woman who had brain surgery. Besides being under anesthesia during the surgery, all the blood was drained from her brain in order to do the procedure.

When she was conscious again, she was able to describe the operating theatre, who was there, the surgical tools that were used and even the exact conversations between the staff.

All of this raises questions as to whether consciousness is inside the brain or is it somehow being transmitted to us. Are we similar to a radio receiver tuning in to the signals being sent to us?

(Reported USA Today June 22, 2009)

Additional Reading:  Finding Fear and Love of God Inside the Brain:

Soothing Arthritis Pain

skookum My brother, Stan, and his wife, Heidi, were recently on a cruise to Alaska (lucky people). At one of the stops, as they were wandering around town they walked into a local shop and made a "wonderful find".

The shop is run by Harlena Warford, a native Tlinget medicine woman. She had an ointment to stop arthritis pain. Since they both have pain from arthritis, Harlena kindly allowed them to rub some of the ointment into the areas of their pain.

They left the store and continued to walk around town.

About 20 minutes later, they both realized that their pain was gone. They immediately walked back to the store and purchased some of the ointment.

I’ve personally purchased the ointment and have recommended it to several people. They have been reporting great results with it.

To find out about getting the ointment for yourself, go to and get the Skookem Ointment. Harlena also says you can use it for fibromyalgia, neuropathy, lupus and other degenerative diseases.

Another product Harlena offers is Devils Club oil and ointment, which can be used for massaging sore muscles, psoriasis and eczema.

The Surprising Truth About Attitudes In The Workplace

A recently released large-scale study of workplace attitudes reveals that minority employees are just as engaged at work as their white colleagues. These results came from a study done by Sirota Survey Intelligence reviewing over 800,000 employee responses in 40 companies over the last five years.

Both white and minority managers had an 80% and 81% rating, respectively, on a favorable view of employee engagement at work. Regular employees rated themselves favorably with whites scoring 76% and minorities scoring 79%.

On fairness, African-American managers perceive that there is less fairness and development opportunities in their workplace with 61% rating the environment favorable versus 75% for whites. Hispanics reported at 74% and Asians at 68%.

Among regular employees the numbers were even lower, with only 59% of African-Americans rating the workplace favorable on fairness versus 66% for whites.

Finally, Hispanic managers and employees were the most engaged with a rating of 83% and 89%, respectively.

American Medical Association Backs Organic Foods

ama The AMA has chosen to adopt a policy supporting a sustainable food system. The AMA has recognized that our industrial food production methods are a significant contributor to increased antibiotic resistance, climate change, air and water pollution.

The AMA sees locally produced and organic foods as a way to reduce fuel use, decrease packaging and waste disposal while preserving farmland. All this leads to cleaner air and lowers the incidence of asthma attacks and other respiratory problems.

If the AMA agrees that organic is good, it’s got to be good!

Brakes Put On Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Sugar Beets

Most Americans, if given the option, would not select foods that have been genetically engineered. Unfortunately, we are not given that opportunity in this country.

Companies that use Genetically Modified (GM) or Genetically Engineered (GE) crops are not required to note on their labels that the crops are grown from GM seeds. To avoid GM foods in this country, eating organic is about the only choice you have.

Well, that may be changing. Judge Jeffrey S. White of the Federal District Court in San Francisco has overturned the US approval of Monsanto’s GE sugar beet. The Judge ruled that the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service violated environmental law by failing to assess whether the beets would eventually share their genes with other crops. Way to go, Judge! Monsanto may appeal the decision to the US Supreme Court.

(Reported by Health Freedom in email October 6, 2009)