Natural Ways To Fight Osteoarthritis

osteoarthritis2 Research published in Advances in Therapy found that giving study participants 1500 mg of glucosamine sulfate and 200 mg of omega-3 fats resulted in a 20 percent reduction in pain reported to researchers. While glucosamine was effective by itself, combining it with omega-3s really increased its effectiveness. Adding these nutrients together, prevented cartilage degeneration that occurs with osteoarthritis.

Another supplement to explore for relief from osteoarthritis is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). It can help with arthritis, muscle soreness, shingles and many other painful conditions. In one study of arthritis sufferers reported by Raymond Francis, one group took 2,250 mg of MSM per day. They experienced an 80% reduction in pain over a 6 week period.

Yet another study compared groups taking 1500 mg per day of glucosamine, 1500 mg of MSM or the two together. At the end of 12 weeks, the glucosamine group experienced a 63% reduction in their pain. The MSM group’s pain levels dropped 52% and the group taking both nutrients experienced a 79% reduction in their pain. In addition, the combination group experienced quicker relief in both their pain and inflammation levels.

Keep in mind, you want to take chondroitin with glucosamine, msm and omega-3s.