Living To 150, Even Barbara Walters Is OnBoard

There is a seminar that I’ve been doing for a long time called Staying Younger Longer. One of the premises is that we can live to be 150 years old healthfully. Well, Barbara Walters is now joining in. Her latest TV Special is called “How to Live to 150.”

Even if you don’t believe it’s possible to live that long, just think of it as an idea. By this I mean, if you’re going to live to 150, you don’t retire at 65 when you have 85 years to go; you don’t stop exercising at 55 when you have 95 years to go; and you don’t hesitate to change careers at 45 when you have 105 to go.

So go ahead and just experience the power of this idea. Remember even if it doesn’t turn out to be true for you, what have you lost?


Validation Of Shiatsu – A Japanese Pressure Technique I Teach

Prevention Magazine (October 2007) reported that pressure point massage (similar to Shiatsu) and acupuncture can relieve arthritis pain with none of the serious gastrointestinal side effects caused by NASAIDs. What the researchers discovered is that both the pressure point massage and acupuncture caused the nervous system to release chemicals that mask pain.

While I’ve know for years that the release of endorphins, which block pain signals, was one of the theories as to why Shiatsu works, I was pleased to see it confirmed in a research study. I now have a new Shiatsu treatment online that will get rid of lower back in minutes. If you’d like to learn more about that go to

Put a Dollar-Value on Losing Weight

Researchers at the Research Triangle Institute of North Carolina found paying a loved one to lose weight will actually help them shed some weight.

Dieters, over a three-month period, were offered a $14 bonus every time they lost one pound of weight more than the control group. At the end of three months, the people being paid lost more that 5% of their body weight as opposed to those who weren’t paid to lose weight.

A variation of this approach is to use money as a tool to break any habit that you are having difficulty breaking. This idea comes from Dr. Julian Whitaker. Dr. Whitaker recommends giving a sum of money (whatever amount that will cause you to let out an ouch if you lose it), to a friend with the instructions to pay it to a group or organization whose philosophy is the opposite of yours if you slip on breaking your habit or you don’t reach a goal you have set for yourself.

Bigger Is Not Better When It Comes To Fruit & Vegetables

I’m sure you’ve all seen the giant sized apples, oranges and peppers in the supermarket. Well it turns that bigger is not better. In a report issued by the Organic Center, they found that as fruits and veggies grow larger, their vitamin and mineral content decreases. They also found that taste and aroma also suffered.

So…buying a smaller organic fruit may not be such a bad idea as you’ll actually be getting more bang from your fruit and veggies.

Cell Phones: The Problem May Be More Than Just the Radiation

Cell Phones: The Problem May Be More Than Just the Radiation

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola and researchers the problems that are appearing with cell phone is not just from the radiation coming off of them. The issue is much deeper. It seems that cell phones, base stations and WiFi all emit what are called information carrying radio waves. According to Dr. Mercola, these radio waves vibrate at the same frequency as many of our cells receptor sites. Interfering with the cells receptors can confuse the receptors and lead to physical and psychological consequences, such as, fatigue, sleeplessness, anxiety, neurological decline and even cancers.

The BBC News reported on a study where people exposed to the equivalent amount of radiation from a cell phone before bed had more insomnia, headaches and less deep and refreshing sleep than a control group that received a “sham” exposure to this form of radiation.

In another situation, an AT&T repair person was working for two hours on a cellular phone base station where someone had forgotten to turn it off. Shortly after getting home, the man began to experience intense physical problems. His pain was so severe that he eventually won a 100% disability from Workmen’s Compensation.

So…here are some of Dr. Mercola’s recommendations:

1. Keep kids exposures to a minimum.

2. Stay away from WIFI routers at home or at work

3. If you have a portable phone at home, make sure you only use one that registers 900 MHz.

4. Limit your use of a cell phone in a car or airplane as the enclosed space causes these information carrying radio waves to intensify in their impact.

Being Kind And Helpful Is In Our Genes. It’s Called Being Altruistic

Are we wired to be kind and caring or are we all selfish creatures? Well, some interesting research answering this question was reported by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Discover Magazine. They used some semifree-ranging chimpanzees in their study. A chimp was struggling to open a door behind which was food. A second chimp could release the chain on the door so the first chimp could get the food even though the second chimp would not receive anything. Three-quarters of the time the chimps in a position to help did.

In a separate experiment, chimps helped get a stick for a human stranger that was struggling to reach it even if the chimp had to climb up a tall raceway to get the stick. In a third study, 18-month old human toddlers helped a stranger struggling to reach a pen in the same percentages as the chimps who helped the other chimp or the human.

So…it seems that deep down we’re wired with the desire to do good and to help others. Pretty cool!

More Proof That Food Additives Negatively Affect A Child’s Behavior

Many years ago Dr. Ben Feingold wrote a book called The Feingold Diet about getting children off of chemicals and preservatives in their foods as a way to get a hyperactive child back to being a normal child. A new study published in Lancet validates the power of the Feingold diet.

In this study a team from the University of Southhampton, England had three-year-olds and eight-year-olds on a diet free from additives. After a period of time the researchers then gave each child either a drink with artificial coloring and sodium benzoate, a preservative, or a placebo drink of fruit juice every day for six weeks. Both drinks tasted the same.

The children were observed in the classroom by their teachers and were analyzed by their parents. The kids who drank the color/preservative had hyperactivity levels that were almost double what the kids drinking the fruit juice had. Some of the kids were even more hyperactive than others. So…if you have a hyperactive kid, the first thing you need to do is to get the child off of preservatives, additives and food coloring.


Us guy's fear getting a high result on a PSA test because it may mean we have Prostate Cancer. Well, that may not be true.

The Texas Institute of Functional Medicines in their newsletter reported on a study in Finland that found that there can be several situations that can cause a high PSA reading.

Some of these readings can be caused by bacteria, fungus, virus and heavy metals.

High readings can even be caused by scar tissue from previous biopsies as well as allergies and the drugs used to treat the allergies.

Your doctor may not know this information. So, if you get a high level, ask him to check out these other possibilities before you have a biopsy done.

Change Your Lighting

Many of you have heard me talk about the effects of fluorescent lighting and how much more beneficial full-spectrum lighting is. I've shared how late afternoon productivity increases, fatigue disappears and headaches stop happening. I want to now share with you a story about full-spectrum lighting and the flu.

A number of years ago, I was speaking in Boston to people who owned Blockbuster type stores, where you could rent movies. When I asked if there were any questions, one man raised his hand. He got up and shared that he had heard me speak at his National Convention the year before and had instituted in his store many of the changes that I had recommended, including changing the lighting.

He told everyone that over the course of a very severe flu season not a single employee was sick with the flu. Oh yeah, he also said profits went up. He attributed both impacts to the tubes.

To do research on how lighting can affect various aspects of your life, see ENERGY LIGHTS

It May Sound Fishy, But Eat Fish To Lower The Risk of Alzheimer's

A study published in Archives of Neurology found that people who eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can lower the decline for a person with Alzheimer's disease.

Those who ate fish once a week reduced their mental decline by 10% while those who ate fish more than once a week reduced their decline by 13%.

The lead researcher reported that this reduction in mental decline is the equivalent of being three or four years younger in age.

So...if you can remember to get it and cook it, eat fish at least once a week. (Especially Salmon!)

There's A New Fabric In Town - Holofiber

There's a new textile called Holofiber that has been shown to increase circulation and increase the amount of oxygen that is able to go through the skin.

The fiber uses microscopic mineral crystals that take certain wavelengths of light and the body's radiant energy and redirect them into the body. It actually increases blood flow and oxygen delivery into the tissues in the immediate area.

One study of 20 men, who had diabetes, with circulatory problems in their extremities, found that within one hour of wearing the Holofiber that their feet had an 8% higher rate of oxygenation and a 12%  increase in their forearms.

For healthy men the increase was 10% in the feet and 30% in the forearms. It reduces and relieves pain and increases healing in diabetics.

For Raynaud sufferers it reduces pain and inflammation. Athletes are using it to increase oxygen levels to boost muscle performance.

You can contact the Whitaker Wellness Institute about this textile at 800 648-7024 or go to


I'm talking about Vitamin E.  In recent years, there have been a number of reports on the power of Vitamin E.

1.  Diabetes - A study of people taking 800 IU's of E per day had a significant drop in blood sugar levels.

2.  Colon cancer - Those with the highest intake of E had almost a 75% lower risk of having the precursors of colon cancer.

3.  Parkinson's Disease - A study in the Netherlands reported that high levels of E were linked to a low incidence of Parksinson's in the 5,300 people in the study.

4.  Alzheimer's - Scientists at Columbia University gave mid-stage Alzheimer's patients 2,000 IU's of E.  The vitamins seemed to slow deterioration by 25% in the ability to do everyday tasks.

5.  Age-related immune system increase - A study was done to see if E could improve the immunity of people over 65.  The results of 200 mg per day was a 65% increase in immune response and a 600% increase against Hepatitis B.

So, how much should you take?  I'd recommend 400-800 IU's per day.  When you buy Vitamin E, you have to read the small print to determine if it's natural (which is what you want) vs. synthetic. 

If it says d-alpha, it's natural. If it says dl-alpha, it's synthetic.  The product with the letter "l" is what you want to avoid.


Autism is reaching epidemic proportions in this country. In Australia there are some doctors that are exploring new treatments for autistic children. These doctors are approaching autism as a physical disorder rather than just a behavioral one. One researcher has found a high rate of intestinal disorders. Harvard University researchers studied 500 autistic children and found more than half had treatable gut and bowel disorders.

The doctors in Australia (and Britain) have been recommending the following approach: introduce the child to a dairy-free and gluten-free diet; test for other food allergies and eliminate offending foods, test for vitamin and mineral deficiencies and supplement as needed (this is usually zinc, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, C and some B vitamins), test stools for parasitic organisms such as yeast and bacteria.

Dr. Anthony Underwood has actually found a few of his patients have recovered from autism. While most don't fully recover, he has seen improvements in most of the 80 autistic children he has worked with.
The beauty of this approach is that there is absolutely no damage done if this approach does not work.



University of North Carolina School of Medicine found that knee or hip arthritis may be caused by your shoes. Almost 20% of those with hip arthritis and 16% of those with severe knee osteoarthritis had about a 3/4 inch greater length in one leg. Neither the individual nor their doctors were aware of the discrepancy.

The simple solution is to get shoe lifts to correct the difference in leg length. Wouldn't it be great if everything were solved so easily.