The Right Grains Are Good For Your Heart

The Right Grains Are Good For Your Heart

You may have read recent reports stating that staying away from wheat products may be beneficial to your health. The part that’s usually missing in this advice is for you to stay away from enriched wheat products verse whole wheat products.

A study reported in the online journal Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases analyzed seven studies involving more than 285,000 participants. The study found that eating 2 1/2 slices of whole wheat bread each day reduced risk of a heart attack by 20%.

Be careful when reading the labels of products. Manufacturers can be sneaky by putting words like Spring Wheat or Spring Wheat White Bread in the list of ingredients. They will also contain Whole Wheat when they just put some whole wheat flour in the product, while most of the rest is enriched flour. The simple way is to look for 100% Whole Wheat on the label.

Also, don’t forget that when you are eating rice to make sure it is brown rice and not white or enriched white rice. (Reported Prevention October 2007)

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