It's Mosquito Time – Defend Yourself Now!

It's Mosquito Time – Defend Yourself Now!

It's mosquito time again. Yes you can buy bug sprays, but do you really want that poison in or on your body?  Well there's a natural alternative available that I wrote about a couple of years ago in the Teplitz Report. 

Since there are so many new subscribers to the newsletter, let me share the solution with you again. It's Vitamin B1. All you need to do is take 100 mg every six to eight hours when you are going to be outside.

The Army did the original research on this years ago. They sent two groups of soldiers out into the bush for two weeks. One group was given bug goop and the other group took Vitamin B1. When they came out of the bush, the group using the bug goop was covered with bug bites. The Vitamin B1 group had hardly any bites on them.

I went camping last summer with some friends who have hiked the Appalachian Trail. They were willing to use the Vitamin B1 and were surprised when they had no bites at all at the end of the weekend.

So give it a swallow and let me know how it works for you!  Email me and I will include your link on our Ezine Archive Page!

PS:  If you also have the need to spray, Avon's Expedition is BAR-NONE, YES!  It is the most natural of sprays, and does not even require washing after you've applied.  NATURAL and EFFECTIVE.

  • I've had subscribers tell me incredible stories - "It is like a barrier, even if there are thousands of mosquitoes around you, they WILL not penetrate the area around your body." 
  • I'm not sure why, from a technical standpoint, at this point, I only know that it works - where friends are sitting out and none are bit!  So add Vitamin B1 to your daily regimen (many additional benefits), and if you want Xtra protection, you can now order online and have Avon deliver Expedition directly to you, ...

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