Protect Yourself and Your Family From Mosquitoes

MosquitoesIt's mosquito time again and I’ve printed this information before, but in case you missed it or forgot it, here it is again.

I want to share with you some natural steps you can take to prevent mosquito bites. Yes, you can buy bug spray loaded with poisons, but do you really want that in or on your body when there are much safer options?

One option has recently been approved by the Center for Disease Control. Oil of eucalyptus offers a protection level that is similar to products with low concentrations of DEET. You can find it in Repel's Lemon Eucalyptus.

Two other options were reported in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers found that a soybean based product called Bite Blocker was the most effective and another product called Buzz Away was also effective.

Another natural alternative that I have written about in a previous Teplitz Email Report is a vitamin supplement called Vitamin B1. When you are going to be outside, all you need to do is take 100 mg every six to eight hours and it will protect you from being bitten.

The Army did the original research on vitamin B1 a number of years ago. They sent two groups of soldiers out into the bush for two weeks. One group was given bug goop and the other group took only Vitamin B1. When they came out of the bush, the group using the bug goop was covered with bug bites. The Vitamin B1 group had hardly any bites on them.

A couple of years ago, I went camping with some friends who have hiked the Appalachian Trail. They were willing to experiment and they took the Vitamin B1. Boy, were they surprised when they had no bites at all at the end of the weekend. Another friend was working as a camp counselor in Maine. She wrote me and said the B1 worked great for mosquitoes, and what did I have for gnats?

So you now have more tools to put into your prevention quiver.

Use Meditation To Stop Pain

mediationroomMeditation can stop pain from happening. Research reported on reveals how this happens. Meditation changes the way your brain processes pain signals.

They found that it only took four days of practicing a meditation technique called mindfulness meditation to change the pain responses in your brain. Brain activity decreased in areas devoted to monitoring a painful body part and also in areas responsible for relaying sensory information. This reduced the perception of pain by 57%.
Since the effect is so fast, if you have to go into the hospital for surgery, you might want to learn how to meditate at least four days ahead and start doing it twice a day. Oh, and you will want to continue meditating during your recovery.

Getting Angry Can Reduce Your Stress

angrystressThere’s new information about getting angry. It used to be thought that getting angry was unhealthy and would cause stress for women.

A study published in Biological Psychiatry looked at the effect of facial expressions of emotions, such as fear and indignation, on our stress response. They found that displaying anger may cause your brain to release less of the stress hormone cortisol.

The study focused on short-term anger and frustration, such as getting cut off in traffic, not long-term anger. The researchers believe that responding to this kind of anger gives the person a feeling of control over those little things that get to you by counteracting feelings of helplessness and frustration.

So, an occasional #XY!!XZ, might actually be good for women, too.

(Reported Prevention December 2010)

Coconut Oil Is Coming On Strong

coconutoilA few years ago, the thought of having coconut oil as a regular part of your diet would have raised all kinds of objections that you’d be getting too much fat in your diet.

Well, times have changed and so has the information available to help us make a decision about it. Today, we realize there are fats that are actually helpful to us and one of them is coconut oil.
It turns out unprocessed virgin coconut oil consists mostly of lauric acid, which confers several health benefits. It turns out lauric acid doesn’t raise cholesterol, clog arteries or create other cardiovascular risks.

As a matter of fact, it actually enhances immune function and in therapeutic doses it may reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Here’s A Unique Way To Get Into A Positive State Of Mind

happyunderwearFor women, there’s a way to feel sexier and more confident all day, and believe it or not, it’s wearing a special pair of underwear. 

Turns out someone actually researched this and published the findings in Consumers Reports. The researchers found that 25% of women report that wearing an ill-fitting or ugly pair of underwear can put her in a bad mood.
What to avoid? Watch out for wedgies, not enough coverage in the rear and underwear that doesn’t lie flat under your clothes.

So…guys, this is a word to the wise. Give a gift that the researchers say will put your woman in a good, sexy mood.

(Reported Prevention May 2011)

How To Tap Into That Creative Idea

greatideaSo, you need some creative problem-solving juices and it seems that the idea well seems to be empty. Is there a way to prime the pump?

A recent study from Northwestern and Drexel Universities suggests a way to get those juices flowing again. You just have to get amused and chuckle about something!

The researchers found that a positive state of mind increases the likelihood of achieving a creative insight. So…watch a YouTube video that will make you laugh.

Your Mouth Is Dry, What To Do Besides Drinking Water

q10About 30% of people over 65 have dry mouth syndrome. People who suffer from this lack saliva production which can cause a difficulty in swallowing, sore throats and bad breath. It can lead to tooth decay and oral infections.

Rather than take drugs, try coenzyme Q10. Volunteers who were given 100 mg of C0Q10 daily for a month had significantly improved salivary secretion.

The best form of CoQ10 is ubiquinol.

(Reported Whitaker Newsletter May 2011)

Exciting and Special Conference for Women in July

eWNLogoA2This July 14 – 17  is the 11th Annual eWomenNetwork International Conference & Business Expo, and I, along with 2,000 women from all over North America, will be there to network, connect, collaborate, hire each other, buy from each other, joint venture, learn and party!

OK—I will not be the only male at this conference which is specifically designed and created for women entrepreneurs,  but I am one of a select group of presenters chosen to be featured at this incredible event.

I am writing you because this Conference is really a “call to all women in Business” to set your intentions and make it a top priority to go “big” with your dreams! I hope you join us because the attendees need to know about you and what you have to offer.

What Sandra & Kym Yancey, the Founders of eWomenNetwork, have put together to accelerate your success is nothing short of amazing. Because I work with the founders and I am so excited about what this Conference represents for women I have been given a discount code that I am passing along to you. This code will save you $645 off the registration fee, which is regularly $1,495, making your price just $850 to attend.

But here’s the extra special news. When you register with my discount code, which is: “jerryvip”, you also get free admission to four pre-Conference bonus events. You get to attend:

1. The New Frontiers of Publishing                     9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Wednesday, July 13

2. Sales Seductive and the Power of  Persuasion 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM, Wednesday, July 13 (this event is sold-out, but I have a seat for you)

3. “Get Your Woman On” Networking Reception    7:00 PM – 9:30 PM, Wednesday, July 13

4. Package Your Passion for Profits                9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Thursday, July 14 (this sold-out too, but I have a seat for you)

The value of all of these pre-Conference bonus events is over $3,000!  When you use my code, you get them all for free!  Here’s my code again: jerryvip

For complete Conference details and to register, just go to:

I really hope to see you in Dallas!

This Week on My Internet Radio Show: AN ACHING BACK – SO WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT

kathicaseyIt’s almost universal. At one time or another, most everyone has suffered from back pain. For some of us, it’s more than a minor bother. It’s a real pain in the back and it affects how you live your life.

Join me, Dr. Jerry Teplitz, as I talk with my guest, Kathi Casey,, about what you can do to stop the pain. Kathi Casey’s latest book has just been published. It’s called STOP Back Pain – Kiss Your Back, Neck and Sciatic Nerve Pain Goodbye!

Kathi Casey is known as “The Healthy Boomer Body Expert.” She’s a health and wellness coach and has her own TV show “To Your Health.” Kathi has appeared on Fox 23, ABC 8 and she is a columnist for The South Shore Senior News, Life After 50 and other Boomer Magazines.

Since the medical route to the treatment of back pain is not the most effective, we’ll be talking about the alternative and breakthrough methods she recommends in her book, STOP Back Pain – Kiss Your Back, Neck and Sciatic Nerve Pain Goodbye! Kathi will be give you some real tips that you can use right away to stop the pain. You’re not going to want to miss this one!

Go to to listen or download the program.

Since I do this show weekly, we can inform you of each show with an email reminder.  Just click here to register.

Special Offer For Teplitz Report Readers

SOSDVDIf you weren’t able to attend my Switched-On Selling Seminar last month, I want to give you a special opportunity to experience the benefits of the seminar in the comfort of your own home.

I’ve created a DVD series with my co-author of the Switched-on Selling bestselling book, Dr. Tony Alessandra. There are six DVDs, a workbook and the SOS book in the package.

The first four are the actual SOS Seminar so you can actually experience the seminar. The other two are Tony giving you key techniques for being a more effective salesperson.

The regular price of the SOS DVD Album is $299 plus shipping. If you order by midnight July 15, you can get the package for $199 plus I’ll cover the shipping.

This is a great deal and I hope you take advantage of it by clicking here.