Electromagnetic Fields Can Affect Pregnant Women’s Babies

electro-pregnantA study published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine strapped monitors to pregnant women to measure their exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields. These are fields generated by everything from power lines, microwave ovens, computers, hair dryers and vacuum cleaners.

The researchers followed the children over their first 13 years and found that those born to mothers with the highest levels of exposure were three times as likely to have asthma as kids whose moms had the lowest exposure.

(Reported Time, August 15, 2011)

So… one option you have to prevent being affected by electromagnetic fields is to wear a QLink like I do (for other reasons besides being pregnant, LOL, such as, preventing the impact of cell phone radiation).

If you’d like to learn more; get Free Shipping AND save $10.00 in purchasing one, click here.

READERS ONLY:  When you click to learn more, and add to cart, you will receive the special $10 off PLUS free shipping for reading the Teplitz Report.  Be sure to select your choice (white or black).

So, What to Do If You Do Have Abnormal Test Results on the Alzheimer’s Balance Test?

niacinamideUntil recently there hasn’t been a really effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. The only approach was prevention strategies.

Well, there is now a safe, inexpensive and effective treatment. It is using vitamin B3 – Nicotinic Acid (in the form of niacinamide, a no-flush form of niacin or B3).

Nicotinic acid (B3) and its amide, niacinamide, are called vitamers, because both equivalently act as a vitamin. Niacin (a word derived from the Nicotinic acid vitamin) is a generic term describing both vitamers together.

An observational study of over 6,000 people 65 years of age and older found that compared to people in the lowest fifth of niacin intake, those with higher intake had reduced between 20% to 50% the progression and risk of Alzheimer's Disease. This result was after adjustment for age, sex, race, education, ApoE type and intake of vitamins E & C as well as beta-carotene. The effect was specific to B3, as opposed to the other B vitamins [JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY, AND PSYCHIATRY; Morris,MC; 75(8):1093-1099 (2004)].

In further research, Niacinamide was also shown to cause a 60% decrease in the marker called tau protein.

Niacinamide additionally increased microtubules, which carry information inside brain cells. Microtubules are like highways inside the cells. Niacinamide makes the highways wider and more stable.

Some of the research done with mice and niacinamide brought the mice back to the level where they didn’t have the pathology. It even improved the behavior in non-demented animals.

The researchers think that niacinamide is good for Alzheimer’s disease and normal people, too. Since niacinamide has been used extensively for many purposes over the past 60 years, its safety is well proven.

The amount of niacinamide that is recommended is 1,000 milligrams taken three times a day.

In adult doses above 3 grams per day niacinamide has a potential for causing liver damage [DIABETOLOGIA; Knip,M; 43(11):1337-1345 (2000)].  Always seek your doctor’s advice in determining dosage safe for you.

As an aside, nearly everyone in another study reported that their arthritis symptoms disappeared after three to four of months of taking niacinamide.

A Balance Test to Predict Alzheimer’s Disease

Balance-AlzheimersThere’s now a simple balance test that may predict cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s Disease.

This study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and was carried out in 16 university hospitals with 686 outpatients.

What the participants did was a one-leg balance where they were asked to stand on one leg for as long as possible.  The results were abnormal when the participant was unable to stand on one leg for 5 seconds or more.

The participants who were judged abnormal on the test showed significantly more cognitive decline at 12, 18 and 24 months than participants who were normal at the beginning of the study and at the follow-up.

The researchers believe that the one-leg balance test is a predictor of advanced dementia.


raw-veganMy guest this week on the Internet Radio Program “Healthy Alternatives” is Gael D. Meyer; known as the Raw Vegan Realtor -(HealthyEatingHealthyBody.com).   Her new book, The Nuts and Sprouts of Healthy Eating, is coming out in September.

Gail will be talking about her becoming a vegan and how she lost 80 pounds in 8 months.

She will be answering my questions about whether a vegan can get enough protein, calcium and vitamin B12 in a vegan diet. You’re not going to want to miss this one!

Go to http://webtalkradio.net/shows/healthy-alternatives/ to listen or download the program.

Since I do this show weekly, we can inform you of each show with an email reminder.  Just click here to register.

Coach to the Stars, Special Online Event

When I heard about the online event Marcia Wieder was hosting , I asked her to include my readers in the VIP invite list.

Not only did she said YES! – she’s also going to give you a valuable free gift. Take a look at this short video: Marcia’s free online coaching event...click here

I urge you to register. It’s free and will be jam packed with content I know you will be interested in – Marcia is Jack Canfied’s personal coach and is a noted authority on helping us achieve our dreams.

She’s been on Oprah several times and may soon have her own TV show.

Click here to register for free
Even if you can’t make it, you’ll get the recording and the free gift (hint: 3 great ebooks from Marcia).

To your success,
PS. Just click here to watch the video. It explains the whole thing.

Speeding up healing process after surgery

surgeryThere are a number of things that you can do to speed up the healing process after surgery.

Here are some options you have:

  • Use hypnosis – Having a hypnotherapy session before surgery can reduce the need for anesthesia and result in less pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue afterward
  • Play Steven Halpern’s subliminal music CD Accelerated Self-Healing during and after the surgery. While the music will relax you, the subliminal messages will help to speed up the healing process.
  • Visualize your recovery - Many studies have shown that guided imagery helps decrease discomfort and the need for pain medication while also reducing the side effects and complications from surgery.
  • Meditate during and after the surgery - I personally have used this technique for years every time I have to go to the dentist and need to have a tooth filled or a crown put on. I have also used meditation twice when I had hernia surgeries. The doctor just injected Novocain on the area while I meditated. The doctor was surprised that I was able to maintain a very low heart rate and pulse rate during the entire surgery.
  • Use acupuncture points to help prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting from anesthesia. You’ll need to stimulate the acupressure point on the inside of the wrist called P6. You can get an acupressure wrist band at the pharmacy. Ask your doc if you can wear it during the surgery.
  • Except for some vitamins and minerals that can thin your blood (ask your doc which those are), you can increase the vitamin and mineral supplements you are taking. One way to view surgery is that it is an internal remodeling job on your body. When you remodel a house you would make sure you have all the building materials available before you started the demolition work. The same thing applies to the body. You want to make sure you have all the materials available to allow the body to rebuild itself. That’s what vitamin and minerals are, your body’s building materials.

So, here are my recommendation for pre- and post surgery:
Divide the following dosage recommendations by the number of meals that you eat each day. The vitamins and minerals will absorb better when you take them in smaller doses. Start taking them 10 days to 2 weeks before surgery. Continue taking them for several weeks afterwards. When you are finished healing, slowly taper off the vitamins. Take a week to 10 days to stop. (Actually, I'd recommend you continue because of the beneficial impact that the vitamins and minerals will have on your overall health. Just lower the dosages.)

1. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids – get 500 mg tablets of Vitamin C with 100 mg of bioflavonoids. Total per day - 2,000 to 4,000 mg
2. Vitamin E – 800 IU (make sure the label says d-alpha tocopherols. The "d" is the important piece as it means it’s natural).
4. Zinc – 30 mg
5. B-Complex – High potency - where most ingredients add up to 100 mg per day
6. Multi Mineral – Ask for a high potency one
7. Bromelain – 1,000 mg (Don't take if you are allergic to pineapple or papaya)
8. Vitamin D3 – 10,000 to 20,000 IU per day
9. The amino acid arginine – 2 mg three times per day on an empty stomach

To prevent bacteria and viral infections, take Echinacea and Astragalus. I’ve given this recipe to many people (including myself) and I’ve always gotten the same feedback – their doc was surprised at how fast they healed and the lack of any side effects or complications.

Stopping Colds In Their Tracks Using An Essential Oil

eucalyptus-coldsAnother way to stop the stuffy nose symptoms of a cold is to use a eucalyptus oil compress.

According to Ann Louise Gittelman, PhD, the oil’s natural anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties help open congested nasal passages.

What you can do is dampen a washcloth with hot water and then place a drop or two of eucalyptus oil on the cloth. Place it by your nose and inhale…ahhhhh! Relief is just a breath away!

(Reported Prevention December 2010)

Stopping Colds In Their Tracks By Exercising

bjsmResearchers reported in the British Journal of Sports Medicine that regular exercise can cut the odds of catching a cold by 50%.

The researchers asked healthy volunteers to keep a record of any coughs and sniffles they experienced over a three-month period during fall and winter. The volunteers who were physically active on five or more days of the week had colds that lasted a total of 5 days out of the 3-month period, while the control group, who did little or no exercise during the same period, were affected by colds and sniffles for nine days.

As a side benefit, the exercisers who did get a cold cut the severity of the symptoms by 31%.

Finally, if you do get a cold, continuing to exercise even at lower level of intensity and time can make you feel better.

So…just put one foot in front of the other and keep exercising.

Vinegar For Lowering Blood Sugar Levels And For Weight Loss

apple-cider-vinegar-weightlossVinegar can be used to lower blood sugar levels after eating a meal. It inhibits enzymes necessary for the digestion of starches and other complex carbohydrates preventing them from being broken down into glucose and absorbed into the bloodstream.

Taken at bedtime it can also lower morning fasting blood sugar levels. All of this means that it may help prevent people from getting type-2 diabetes.

Vinegar also stimulates the burning of fat for weight loss. Researchers in Japan divided subjects into three groups. One group drank one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar each day and the other group drank 2 tablespoons. The third group drank a placebo. After 12 weeks the vinegar drinking groups had lost 4.4 pounds compared to the placebo group which reported no change. The researchers also found that one tablespoon per day was sufficient to achieve these results.

The amount of vinegar needed is one to two tablespoons per day which can be added to foods you are eating.  One popular way of doing this is to add two teaspoons to a glass of water with a teaspoon or so of honey, mix well, and enjoy!

I’ve actually begun adding vinegar to my morning meal. So…please pass the apple cider vinegar!

Bulking Up Your Bones & Preventing Osteoporosis

strontium-ranelateHere’s a great way to increase your bone density – use strontium ranelate or strontium citrate.

Researchers in Germany gave a group of men strontium ranelate. After 12 months the men who had taken strontium ranelate had a 22-23% greater increase in bone mass density in the lumbar spine and hip. They also had 30% fewer fractures and significantly greater reduction in back pain.

While strontium ranelate is sold as a drug in 70 countries around the world; the FDA has not approved it here. Your option in this country is to take strontium citrate which has a similar effect and can be purchased without a prescription.

(Reported Whitaker Newsletter April 2011)


bryanpost.jpbMy guest this week is Dr. Bryan Post www.PostInstitute.com

Dr. Post is a psychotherapist, lecturer and best-selling author. His focus is working with children with severe behavior challenges.

For the past fifteen years, he has been educating others about the challenges facing adopted and foster children. From this work he has developed a new love-based understanding that can transform the most challenging parent-child relationship that all parents and grandparents need to know.

You’re going to learn about the impact of time-outs, spanking, crying and the surprising impact it can have on your kids. You’re not going to want to miss this one!

Go to http://webtalkradio.net/shows/healthy-alternatives/ to listen or download the program.

Since I do this show weekly, we can inform you of each show with an email reminder.  Just click here to register.