Using Vitamin C May Protect Your Knees From Arthritis

arthritis-knee Australian researchers conducted a study with 293 middle-aged people who were free of knee pain.

After 10 years, they found that the people eating high amounts of Vitamin C were less likely to exhibit the bone degeneration that leads to the development of osteoarthritis in the knee.

The researchers attributed the effect to the antioxidant impact of Vitamin C. The researchers also found that other antioxidant’s including lutein and zeaxanthin (found in spinach) can also protect against age-related wear and tear.

So…eat your fruits and veggies and take a couple of thousand milligrams of Vitamin C through out each day. Just make sure there are bioflavinoids in your supplement as it helps the Vitamin C to be absorbed into your system.  (Reported Prevention Magazine, January 2008)

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Attention Deficit Disorder Running Rampant

 adhd2 A glance at the statistics around Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is quite disturbing.

Using diagnostic criteria analysis to determine the number of projected cases of ADHD, you get a figure of around 4% of school-age children potentially having ADHD.

Yet a study published a few years ago in the American Journal of Public Health found an ADHD rate of 63% in just one school district in southeastern Virginia when the data was analyzed. This would seem to indicate that the medical profession’s ability to accurately diagnose a child with ADHD is quite limited.

This misdiagnosis and mislabeling is resulting in way too many children being put on Ritalin, to the extent that one in five fifth grade Caucasian boys are taking Ritalin.

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, one alternative to giving your child Ritalin is to use Brain Gym® movement and exercises.  You may find them to be the way back to normalcy for your kid. To find a Brain Gym (BG) Consultant in your area, go to To explore some of the Brain Gym Books, you can see my recommendations here at: Brain Gym - Children.

Another thing that I have found effective is using Steven Halpern’s music CD Connections and his subliminal CD Accelerating Learning.

Over the years, I’ve recommended to a number of parents that they play Connections (or Comfort Zone) an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening in the child’s environment. The child doesn’t have to stop whatever they are doing to listen to it; the CD just has to be playing in the environment.

When the child needs to study, have the child play Halpern’s Accelerating Learning CD. I’ve had at least a half dozen parents who have followed this recommendation share with me that their child, who had behavior problems in school, was behaving normally in school within a week of following these recommendations.

If you’d like to experiment with the Halpern music with your child, you can take advantage of my 60-day money-back guarantee to prove to yourself that what I am saying is true. If not, you can simply return the CDs for a refund. Review Music CDs

Cancer, Cell Phones: Low Energy Electromagnetic Fields (EMFS) & Q-Link

cellphonesI read a study from Denmark last year which reported that using cell phones did not appear to cause brain tumors. The study asked 427 people with brain tumors and 822 people without tumors about their cell phone use. The study found no increased risk for brain tumors related to use, frequency of use or number of years used.

A reader of the Teplitz Email Report emailed me about whether I would continue to recommend the Q-Link, which is a device I wear and recommend to others. It’s a good question and I want to answer it.

qlink_black_back One of the things the Q-Link does is stop people from being affected by low-energy Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) which are emitted by anything electronic including cell phones. First of all, I doubt pro golfers would stop using it because they win more tournaments while wearing it. (If you need more information on this you can re-read what I wrote in previous issues of the Teplitz Email Report at about golfers’ success with the Q-Link by using the search feature.)

I consider the EMFs coming from cell phones and anything else electronic as a science experiment with all of us the subjects being studied. EMFs never existed on the planet before the invention of electronic gadgets. Now they are all around us. We experience them not only from our cell phone, but also from our computers, TVs, alarm clocks, bed lamps and even our car engines.

Just because the Denmark study found no connection between brain tumors and cell phones doesn’t mean that other effects don’t exist—we may just haven’t discovered them yet. There are many examples of our society employing a new “breakthrough” discovery which was supposed to be harmless to humans only to later discover the negative consequences.

A prime example is DDT. When DDT was invented, it was hailed as the miracle pesticide. Only later was it discovered that DDT caused the shells of birds’ eggs, including Bald Eagles, to become so thin that they broke before the chick could hatch.

Other examples are cigarettes and asbestos. It was many years before it was discovered how these substance negatively affected our health. Part of the difficulty is that it took years for symptoms to appear and many more years before scientists were able to make a connection. While I’m not saying there is a connection, at this point no one knows whether or not getting asthma, obesity, autism, heart disease, etc. might be related to EMFs. If there is a connection, like smoking cigarettes, it might not show up for 20 to 40 years.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been conducting research on EMFs since 1996 in conjunction with the FDA. As an example, some of their studies have reported that low frequency electromagnetic field exposure may suppress secretion of melatonin and that it may be a carcinogen for childhood leukemia.

In fact, the studies concluded that there was sufficient evidence from the childhood leukemia research to classify ELF magnetic fields as a "possible human carcinogen". WHO states that it will take years to determine if there are other definitive long-term effects to EMF exposure. Since their website contains dozens of "white paper" and fact sheets where you can find the above statements, you can go to:

Q-link Besides the positive impact on golfers, I have personally received very positive feedback from people who have purchased a Q-Link from me.  So… I will continue to wear my Q-Link and continue to recommend it to others.* In fact, I'm offering a special Package, especially for couples - 2 Q-Links at my lowest price ever..... go to: Qlink Discount and Information.

If you would like to see all of my research on this topic, please email me directly with the request at

Cut The Need For Arthritis Drugs By Using Cod Liver Oil

Since I’m talking about arthritis, there was a study reported in Rheumatology (March 24, 2008) about the impact of taking cod liver oil once a day for relief of arthritis pain.

The researchers gave patients either 10 g of cod liver oil or a placebo daily. After 12 weeks they found that 39% of the patients on the cod liver oil were able to reduce the need for drugs versus 10% for the placebo group.

So… to better control your rheumatoid arthritis use your mind and use cod liver oil.

Using Your Mind To Relieve Arthritis Pain

Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine have been busy. They also researched the impact of a meditation technique called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on chronic arthritis.

The researchers found that people with rheumatoid arthritis who practiced MBSR for 6 months were 35% less distressed than those who didn’t use this method – even though their physical disease progressed at the same rates as the control group.

Other studies have shown that MBSR works to reduce pain by constantly refocusing the mind on the present moment. To learn how to do MBSR read Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

MP3 Players Can Damage Listener’s Hearing

The European Union committee responsible for warning of emerging health risks reports that nearly 10% of the people who listen to MP3 players (and iPods) risk going deaf if they tune in an hour a day for five years. The Royal National Institute of Deaf People, a U.K. service organization for the hearing impaired, reports that 60% of people age 16 to 30 were unaware of the risks to their hearing from these players.

On a personal note, a number of years ago, I purchased noise-canceling headsets to use when I fly to reduce the impact of the jet’s noise. After a number of months of using them, I noticed that I had developed ringing in my ears, called tinnitus. I realized it was from using the headsets and immediately stopped using them. While the ringing is still there, it has not gotten worse.

So…tell your kids and anyone you know about the danger. Suggest that they at least lower the volume below 100 decibels and use the player less than an hour a day.

Cut Hot Flashes In Half

Scientists at the Mayo Clinic studied 21 post-menopausal women who had at least 14 hot flashes per week. None of the women were using hormone replacement therapy. When the women sprinkled 4 tablespoons of crushed flaxseed daily into the foods that they were eating, such as yogurt, cereal, juice or water, the severity and the number of their hot flashes dropped 50%.

It took about six weeks to get these results. Also, the researchers suggest starting with 2 tablespoons and working up to the full amount because the added fiber can cause abdominal discomfort. Finally, make sure you are drinking a glass of liquid when you eat the flaxseed.

My suggestion is to get a grinder. Just grind up what you need to eat each day. You can do a Google search for flax seed grinders. So…ladies, now you can grind your way to cooler temperatures.
(Reported Prevention, January 2008)

Alternative Treatment For Shingles

An alternative treatment for shingles was reported by a newsletter subscriber of Dr. Julian Whitaker (Vol 19, No. 3). This person had a severe case of shingles, which can cause excruciating pain. He found very little help until he used an olive leaf capsule product sold by a company called Olivus.

His pain diminished within two days. He then started drinking 5 glasses per day of their loose tea and his symptoms were gone.

Dr. Whitaker believes that an antiviral substance in the olive leaf products boosted the person’s immune system.

To order this olive leaf product direct from the manufacturer, call 800 810-6655 or go to

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