A Better Choice Than Statin Drugs – Red Yeast Rice

There is a lot of dispute about taking statin drugs to lower cholesterol due to the numerous side effects that patients experience.

Well, there’s now a natural option that has research behind it. In a study led by Dr. David Becker at Chestnut Hill Hospital in Pennsylvania, patients had extremely high LDL levels. They had all taken statin drugs, but had stopped because of the side effects. Half the group took 1800 mg of red yeast rice twice a day for 24 weeks, while the other half took a placebo.

The average drop in LDL cholesterol was 43 points. The placebo group dropped an average of 11 points. The only side effects were infrequent, mild headaches and abdominal discomfort. If you have liver disease, don’t take red yeast rice.

This is a better track record than statin drugs, at a lower price tag and much lower risk of side effects. So…head to your local health foods store and give Red Yeast Rice a whirl.

(Reported American Association for Health Freedom ezine– 2009)

Court of Appeals Reinstates Compensation For Vaccine Injury

The U. S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has reversed a Special Master Judge who refused to give compensation to Enrique Andreu, a boy who was vaccinated at eight weeks of age. The child had a seizure after the vaccination that led to a low IQ and developmental delays including language skills.

Using Aspirin May Increase Colon Cancer Survival Rates

aspirin Researchers tracked 1,300 patients with colon cancer over 12 years. Those who started taking aspirin after their diagnosis had a 47% lower risk of dying from the disease than non-users.

Aspirin was most effective against the type of colon cancer tumor that overproduces the COX-2 enzyme.

This study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, August 2009.

See your doctor since there is a potential for side effects from taking aspirin.

Get A Dog And Live Longer!

mansbestfriend Even though I have dog I’m not making a prejudice statement. It seems that dog owners 50 and older see their doctors less often, have fewer illnesses and recover more quickly when they are sick verses those who don’t have a dog.

Researchers have even found that simply petting an animal lowers blood pressure by producing an instant relaxation response in the body.

Alan Beck, Sc.D., from the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine reported that animal owners had a higher one-year survival rate following a heart attack than a non-pet group, even when both groups were doing the same level of exercise.

Perhaps retirement communities should reconsider their no pet policies and hospitals and nursing homes could allow the family pet to come to visit the patient.

(As reported in AARP Magazine)

To Scan Or Not To Scan – Your Body That Is!

medicalscanning Medical scanning using MRI, CT and PET imaging machines has grown into a $100 billion dollar a year business with 95 million scans done each year. Still, some big questions remain: Are they helpful and are they safe?

The answer revealed by recent research studies is that 20% to 50% of the procedures reviewed should never have been done because their results did not help diagnose ailments or treat patients.

Part of the problem is that older machines may create bad scans, which may lead to false or poor diagnostic data. According to Dr. Gary Glazer, the chairman of radiology at Stanford University, a scan done on a 10-year-old machine versus a new one will have significant differences in the quality of the image. Even a scan done on the latest equipment may not have been done correctly or correctly read by a qualified doctor.

In addition, the field is mostly unregulated. While imaging centers can choose to become accredited by the American College of Radiology, not many do. This will change in 2012 when a Medicare law goes into effect requiring accreditation.

Another concern is that a growing number of doctors are referring patients to imaging centers owned by the doctors themselves. Studies have found up to 3.2 times as many scans are ordered by those docs. So, is a scan being requested by the doc because it’s necessary or because it’s profitable?

The final issue is the amount of radiation that you are exposed to when a scan is done. A study of hospital patients showed that they had been exposed to 45 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation. Since the typical X-ray delivers .02 mSv, 12% of patients had been exposed to more that twice that amount.

With all these concerns, you need to ask your doc some questions before you agree to have a scan done, including how old the machine is and the qualifications of the scanner and the interpreter.

(Reported The Virginian Pilot, 2009, Article by Gina Kolata, New York Times News Service)

Another Reason To Exercise – Preventing Cancer

Researchers reported in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention that regular weight training can cut cancer risks in men by up to 40%.

The researchers tracked the lifestyle of 8,500 men for more than two decades. Each volunteer had regular medical check-ups that included tests of their muscular strength. The men who worked out regularly and had the highest muscle strength were between 30 and 40% less likely to die from cancer.

The researchers suggested doing resistance training at least two days a week. Time wise, all you need to be doing is one set of repetitions with enough weight to reach your muscles’ fatigue level.

So…lift that barge, tote that bale and keep from getting cancer.

Taking Multivitamins May Help You Live Longer

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the cells of multivitamin users may have a younger blood cell age than the cells of non-users.

The researchers examined the length of women’s telomeres, which are located at the end of each cell. Each time the cell reproduces, the telomere shortens and when it’s totally gone, the cell dies.

The researchers analyzed the multivitamin use, nutrient intake and telomere length in 586 women. The daily multivitamin users’ telomeres were on average 5.1% longer. This result means that taking a multivitamin may be one of the easiest things you can do to increase your cells’ longevity.

Sitting Up Straight Isn’t All That It’s “Cracked” Up To Be

sittingstraight Scottish researchers reported that sitting up straight is actually bad for your back (so much for all that nagging from your Mom to sit up straight). The researchers took MRI scans of 22 volunteers. They found that sitting upright at a 90-degree angle put enough pressure on the lower back to squeeze fluid from the disks that cushion the vertebrae.

So, what’s the best position? Slouching! Well, it’s slouching with a caveat: Your knees should to be three to four inches lower than your hips, and you need to recline slightly (instead of sitting at a 90-degree angle, lean back to a 135-degree angle) and voila, the pressure is off.

(As reported in Prevention Magazine)

iPODs Can Have A Negative Impact On Pacemakers

ipods An article published by Elizabeth Lopatto, Bloomberg News, reported that an iPOD can cause a pacemaker to malfunction when the iPOD is held within two inches of a patient’s chest for five to ten seconds. This research was presented at a conference of the Heart Rhythm Society.

The researchers found that out of 800 trials the pacemaker malfunctioned 50% of the time. The effects varied from the pacemaker mistaking the electronic signals from the iPODS as a heart-rhythm disorder to the iPOD interfering with the way the pacemaker communicated with its monitoring device to one person’s pacemaker not functioning for three heartbeats.

While none of the interferences were life threatening, if you wear a pacemaker it would be a good idea to forget about using an iPOD (there’s a strong likelihood, they never had that thought to begin with). If you are an iPODing teenager, don’t hug a grandparent who has a pacemaker, when you have your iPOD in your shirt or jacket pocket.

Forging Deeds And Stealing Homes

A new scam has popped up that can make it easy for someone to steal your house! A scammer goes to your local city hall where they look up your property records. The scammer then purchases a property transfer form for $10, forges your signature and files the paperwork with the city or county recorder’s office.

In many states, the recorder’s office is not required to authenticate the identities of buyers or sellers. In states where they require IDs, the crooks are creating fake IDs.

The “new owner” of your home can sell it at a discount to a cash-paying buyer (who is also scammed) or they can use the collateral in your house to get a new loan while taking a lot of the cash value out of the house.

The scammers are targeting homes that are paid for because it’s easier to get a loan from a lender when there is no existing mortgage.

A reporter for the NY Daily News was actually able to buy the Empire State Building with doctored documents. (He immediately transferred it back, as he was just investigating the possibility of doing this.)

So…what can you do to protect yourself?

1. Occasionally check your records with your registrar’s office.

2. If you receive a new mortgage payment book, contact the company that sent it immediately.

3. Demand that your deed-recording office uses software that alerts homeowners whenever a transfer is made on their property.

4. If you discover your home was stolen, contact your local and state law enforcement officers.

(Reported AARP Bulletin)

The Importance Of Exercising As You Age Has Just Gone Up

archivesinternalmedicine A study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine clearly supports continuing to exercise, even for the very oldest among us.

The three-year survival rate was about three times higher for active 85-year-olds who were doing four hours of exercise a week versus the inactive ones.

Even previously sedentary 85-year-olds had a three-year survival rate, double that of inactive 85-year-olds.

As a further plus, the active oldsters also reported less depression and loneliness and a greater ability to perform daily tasks.

So the old adage of “use it or lose it” has taken on new importance for everyone. Just check with your Doc first.

(Reported by Lindsey Tanner, Associated Press)

More Questions On Cell Phone Radiation

senate A panel of scientists and cancer researchers recently told a Senate appropriations subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services that more research is needed to determine whether cell phone radiation is harmful to humans, especially children.

The scientists reported that, although researchers have not been able to establish a hard link between cell phone radiation and cancer, that doesn't mean that wireless devices aren't harmful. According to Dariusz Leszczynski, a radiation expert at the University of Helsinki, deciding that cell phones are safe is premature.

Dr. Siegal Sadetzki, director of the Cancer and Radiation Epidemiology Unit of the Gertner Institute in Israel, told the committee that recent studies have suggested that people who use cell phones for 10 years or more are most at risk. Cell phones have become commonplace only in the past decade or so.

Here’s the problem most people are not aware of, according to Devra Lee Davis, a professor in the Department of Epidemiology of the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh:The FCC's standards for cell phones were set 17 years ago, when cell phones and usage patterns were much different. 

The FCC's standards are based on the effects of cell phone radiation on a "200-pound man with an 11-pound head," who talks for just six minutes a day.

This means we don’t know the effect of cell phone radiation on women, teens or children. We don’t know the impact of hours of usage every day of the week.

In effect, we are doing a high school science experiment on all the cell phone users in the world. What if, several years from now, we discover more issues with cell phone use …oops?

Very informative reading can be had with Devra Lee Davis' Book:  "Secret History of the WAR on CANCER:

Book Reviews:

  • Washington Post
    “…Davis put it together in a way that illuminates the underbelly of medical research."
  • O magazine
    "In her devastating, 20-years-in-the-making expose...Devra Davis... shows how cancer researchers, bankrolled by petrochemical and pharmaceutical companies, among others, collude in 'the science of doubt promotion.'...Davis diagnoses two of the most lethal diseases of modern society: secrecy and self-interest. This book is a dramatic plea for a cure."
  • Discover
    “Davis’s new book, THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE WAR ON CANCER, is a wake-up call for all those who have accepted the poisons of our age of plenty without a blink.”

Brighten Your Life...



The weather is starting to change so it’s time again to start thinking about full-spectrum fluorescent lighting for your indoor health.

If you have been receiving this monthly newsletter or attended my seminar, you’ll remember my talking about how full-spectrum lighting reduces headaches, eliminates fatigue and increases productivity.

Besides changing the lighting in the office, you can now change the lights in your home.

You can also save on your electric bill by switching from light bulbs to compact fluorescent lights. We now have these sizes available:

  • 15 watt CFL = 60 watt light bulb

  • 25 watt CFL = 75 watt light bulb

  • 30 watt CFL = 100 watt light bulb

We even have a 3-way 30 watt CFL available.

Special offer to subscribers of the Teplitz Report: Order your CFLs by October 20 and receive a 15% savings off the regular price. Click here to find out more.

World Health Ranking, USA Celebrating?

Guess who is #1, Wait for it…… wait for it…

If you still need convincing about the importance of reforming health in this country, watch this 3 minute video.

Getting Through The Medicare Doughnut Hole

As you may know, people on Medicare and taking needed prescription drugs, can fall into doughnutholethe “doughnut hole,” which means that they have to pay 100% of the cost of their medications out of their own pocket.

Once their medical out-of-pocket expenses have reached the catastrophic level, the government will pay for their meds.

Now you have an online tool, the AARP Doughnut Hole Calculator, that will give you some options to either avoid or postpone the “doughnut hole” altogether.

The tool, which will tell you when you might hit the hole and gives tips on how to stay out of the hole, is located at http://linkbee.com/DoughnutTool.

The site automatically lists less expensive medication alternatives.

Taking Multivitamins May Help You Live Longer

clinicalnutrition Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the cells of multivitamin users may have a younger blood cell age than the cells of non-users.

The researchers examined the length of women’s telomeres, which are located at the end of each cell. Each time the cell reproduces, the telomere shortens and when it’s totally gone, the cell dies.

The researchers analyzed the multivitamin use, nutrient intake and telomere length in 586 women. The daily multivitamin users’ telomeres were on average 5.1% longer. This result means that taking a multivitamin may be one of the easiest things you can do to increase your cells’ longevity.

Treating Cancer SUCCESSFULY

Dr. Julian Whitaker is a firm advocate for a cure for cancer Burzynski2 developed by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski. Dr. Burzynski has had great success treating thousands of patients who had dozens of types of cancer.

Dr. Whitaker was excited to announce in the April 2009 issue of his Health and Healing newsletter that the FDA has granted Dr. Burzynski permission to proceed with phase III clinical trials on the most deadly of all cancers – diffuse brainstem glioma (DBSG).
The two year survival rate for this particular cancer using conventional treatments is 7%; the five year survival rate is zero.

However, patients treated at the Burzynski Clinic have a two year survival rate of 38% and a five year survival rate of 19%!

When you separate out the group that did not receive any conventional treatments (surgery, chemo, radiation) and only received the Burzynski treatment, the survival rate for two years jumped to 49% and the five year rate increased to 31%!

When you consider that the conventional rate for five years is 0% and the Burzynski five year rate is 31%, you are looking at a major, MAJOR, breakthrough in cancer treatment.

Other cancers that have been successfully treated at his clinic include - pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, prostate, breast and ovary cancer.

You can contact the clinic at (713) 335-5697 and you can go to these websites: www.burzynskiclinic.com and www.burzynskipatientgroup.org.

Herbalist Shares Help For Kids With Shingles

Kids who get severe shingles have few options as there are no medicines that they can take.  This means the child will suffer from 2 to 6 months with pain.

Here’s a remedy that herbalist Doug Schar recommended for treating shingles:

Blend together:

  • almondoil 1 oz. of almond oil – this is an anti-inflammatory that also soothes sore chafed skin.
  • geranium 10 drops of rose geranium oil (adults can use 20 drops) – this oil contains many compounds that reduce inflammation and quiet viruses.

Spread the mixture over the affected area.

Overcome Depression With Healthy Fats

AmJournalofPhysiciatry A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry reported that 6 out of 10 people suffering from depression got relief after taking omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil supplements.

fishoil Those who got the supplements containing 2,000 mg of EPA slept better and felt less worthlessness and guilt.

Don’t take fish oil if you’re on Coumadin or fat-blocking medication.


Got Dry Mouth, Go The Acupuncture Route

acupuncturedrymouthear Researchers published a study in Cancer stating that, of 50 patients who had acupuncture treatments to relieve severe dry mouth, 70% experienced relief.

The treatment consisted of three needles inserted at specific points on each ear and one inserted near the tip of each index finger.

If cancer therapy or an autoimmune condition has left you or someone you know with untreatable dry mouth, discuss the option of acupuncture with yours or their doctor.

Cut Colon Cancer Risk By Using Folate

In a report published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and folatePrevention, Harvard researchers studied 88,000 women patients  which included examining their family history. Those who had a family history of colon cancer cut their risk of developing colon cancer by more than 50% by taking 400 mcg of folate a day. This drop brought them down to normal risk levels. Women who had no family history of colon cancer saw their risk drop an extra 19%.

Spinach and other leafy greens, lentils, garbanzo beans and citrus fruits and juices are all good sources of dietary folate. Folic aid is the synthetic form of the vitamin that is used in supplements and in fortified foods. So…add more folate to your diet and/or add a folic acid supplement.

A New Way To Build Bone And Increase Bone Density

According to Dr. Julian Whitaker there is a new product soylife manufactured from the germ of the soy bean that appears to build new bone and increase bone density.

It’s called SoyLife® . The germ contains the highest concentration of isoflavones of all parts of the soy bean. It also has other substances that increase your bones’ health.

A two-year double-blind study of 400 healthy postmenopausal women 40 to 60 years old found after six months that those women taking 180 mg of SoyLife showed a significant reduction in the rate of bone loss.

After one year those women actually increased the entire body’s level of bone density!


Mussel Extract May Cure Arthritis

There is a green-lipped mussel from New Zealand that may help heal both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The extract made from this mussel is called GlycoMarine.

mussel It seems to suppress inflammation as well as facilitate cartilage regeneration and joint lubrication. This results in decreased pain and stiffness increased mobility and function. Do not use the product if you have an allergy to shellfish.

For pet owners there is a product called VetBalance that contains the extract. It seems to help animals with hip dysplasia and other joint diseases.

You can find these products in health foods stores. For the pet version, go to Pet-Arthritis-VetBalance or call 800-810-6655.

(Reported in Health and Wellness newsletter by Dr. Julian Whitaker, January 2009)

Drinking Green Tea to Help Digestion

greentea Two studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, March 2008, reported that green tea can increase fat oxidation, improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance even in healthy young adults.

The first study was conducted on 12 men. The researchers had them perform a 30-minute cycling exercise before and after taking green tea extract. In the second study, 11 healthy men took an oral-glucose-tolerance test before and after taking green tea extract.

In both cases, rates were improved after consuming the tea. On average fat oxidation rates were 17% higher and insulin sensitivity rates were 13% higher as compared to groups taking placebos.

With the rates of obesity so high, drinking green tea may help your body continue to burn fat. For the healthiest green tea, look for matcha tea. Matcha tea is made of tea leaves ground into a powder which means the tea is immediately available to be absorbed.

Hospitals Not Checking Properly To Prevent Spread Of Colon Cancer

A study conducted by Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and the American College of Surgeons found that nearly two-thirds of U.S. Hospitals are not checking enough lymph nodes after a feinberg patient has had colon surgery to determine whether the disease has spread.

A recommended minimum of 12 lymph nodes should be examined to determine whether the colon cancer has metastasized and to diagnose the stage of cancer more accurately. That information is used to determine whether the patient should receive chemotherapy, which can affect the spread of the cancer.

To have more than 60% of the nearly 1,300 hospitals surveyed not doing the minimum check borders on criminal conduct especially since these hospitals treat about 60% of all colon cancer cases.

(Reported Northwestern Winter 2008)

Checking Out Of The Emergency Room Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

When people check out of the emergency room, they are given care   emergencyroom and discharge instructions. According to researchers at Northwestern  University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, 78% of the patients didn’t  fully understand the instructions they were given.

Further, 80% weren’t even aware that they didn’t understand. This means that these patients may have a greater likelihood of complications after leaving the emergency room.

One of the best things you can do to protect yourself is to bring a family member or friend to ask questions and help remember the care instructions. Be sure to ask the doc or nurse to clearly write everything down that you are to do.

(Reported Northwestern Winter 2008)

Houseplant Your Way To Better Health

Based on the research that has been done over the years, houseplants have been shown to positively impact your life. The houseplants plants can do everything from boosting your creativity to increasing your immunity to colds. Marissa Conrad wrote in Prevention, April 2008, the following recommendations:

  1. To calm down use houseplants such as bamboo palm, Chinese evergreen, snake plant or arrowhead vines. One study found a 4-point drop in systolic blood pressure.
  2. To become more creative use African violets. A study from Texas A&M University found that a group of women increased their creativity by 13%.
  3. To fight colds use philodendrons or other ultra leafy plants in the bedroom. Because ultra leafy plants can add 5% more humidity into a room, that can be enough to alleviate cold symptoms. A study in Norway reported 37% less coughing and 25% less hoarseness in offices with these plants.
  4. To cut exposure to harmful chemicals from cleaning supplies, printers, newly painted walls or varnished furniture, use the plants Janet Craig cane plant (dracaena family) and Sweet Chico. A study from Australia found that 1 Janet Craig plant or 5 Sweet Chico spathiphylum plants reduced the chemicals in a 130 square foot room up to 70%.

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

The Oxygen Club of California held its annual meeting in March 2008. Several presentations focused on Alzheimer’s disease.

One study had patients taking 600 mg of alpha-lipoic acid per day for Alzheimers four years. Patients with early dementia who were on this regimen exhibited less deterioration in cognitive function.

Another study found that genistein from soy (tested in vitro) may prevent cognitive decline.

A third study fed pomegranate juice to mice used to model Alzheimer’s; researchers found a 50% reduction in the formation of amyloid  beta-peptides, which was associated with improved cognitive and physical performance.

When To Take Your Medications

While I attempt to keep drug taking to a minimum, this information may help you determine the best time during the day to take your takemeds meds. This research is based on the way our body’s internal clock operates.

  1. For Allergies – antihistamines – take at bedtime
  2. For Arthritis – long-acting painkillers, such as, Celebrex, Naprelan – take in the morning for osteoarthritis and a second dose at night for rheumatoid arthritis
  3. For Asthma – oral prednisone – 3 pm
  4. For High Blood Pressure – Hypertension drugs, such as, Covera-HS, Innopran XL – bedtime
  5. For High Cholesterol – short-acting statins, such as, Zocor, Lescol – bedtime

(Reported  Prevention, April 2008)

Using Vitamin C May Protect Your Knees From Arthritis

arthritis-knee Australian researchers conducted a study with 293 middle-aged people who were free of knee pain.

After 10 years, they found that the people eating high amounts of Vitamin C were less likely to exhibit the bone degeneration that leads to the development of osteoarthritis in the knee.

The researchers attributed the effect to the antioxidant impact of Vitamin C. The researchers also found that other antioxidant’s including lutein and zeaxanthin (found in spinach) can also protect against age-related wear and tear.

So…eat your fruits and veggies and take a couple of thousand milligrams of Vitamin C through out each day. Just make sure there are bioflavinoids in your supplement as it helps the Vitamin C to be absorbed into your system.  (Reported Prevention Magazine, January 2008)

Search for things you are interested in that I may have written about in my Newsletter Archives here: http://linkbee.com/TeplitzReports

Attention Deficit Disorder Running Rampant

 adhd2 A glance at the statistics around Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is quite disturbing.

Using diagnostic criteria analysis to determine the number of projected cases of ADHD, you get a figure of around 4% of school-age children potentially having ADHD.

Yet a study published a few years ago in the American Journal of Public Health found an ADHD rate of 63% in just one school district in southeastern Virginia when the data was analyzed. This would seem to indicate that the medical profession’s ability to accurately diagnose a child with ADHD is quite limited.

This misdiagnosis and mislabeling is resulting in way too many children being put on Ritalin, to the extent that one in five fifth grade Caucasian boys are taking Ritalin.

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, one alternative to giving your child Ritalin is to use Brain Gym® movement and exercises.  You may find them to be the way back to normalcy for your kid. To find a Brain Gym (BG) Consultant in your area, go to BrainGym.org. To explore some of the Brain Gym Books, you can see my recommendations here at: Brain Gym - Children.

Another thing that I have found effective is using Steven Halpern’s music CD Connections and his subliminal CD Accelerating Learning.

Over the years, I’ve recommended to a number of parents that they play Connections (or Comfort Zone) an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening in the child’s environment. The child doesn’t have to stop whatever they are doing to listen to it; the CD just has to be playing in the environment.

When the child needs to study, have the child play Halpern’s Accelerating Learning CD. I’ve had at least a half dozen parents who have followed this recommendation share with me that their child, who had behavior problems in school, was behaving normally in school within a week of following these recommendations.

If you’d like to experiment with the Halpern music with your child, you can take advantage of my 60-day money-back guarantee to prove to yourself that what I am saying is true. If not, you can simply return the CDs for a refund. Review Music CDs

Cancer, Cell Phones: Low Energy Electromagnetic Fields (EMFS) & Q-Link

cellphonesI read a study from Denmark last year which reported that using cell phones did not appear to cause brain tumors. The study asked 427 people with brain tumors and 822 people without tumors about their cell phone use. The study found no increased risk for brain tumors related to use, frequency of use or number of years used.

A reader of the Teplitz Email Report emailed me about whether I would continue to recommend the Q-Link, which is a device I wear and recommend to others. It’s a good question and I want to answer it.

qlink_black_back One of the things the Q-Link does is stop people from being affected by low-energy Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) which are emitted by anything electronic including cell phones. First of all, I doubt pro golfers would stop using it because they win more tournaments while wearing it. (If you need more information on this you can re-read what I wrote in previous issues of the Teplitz Email Report at http://linkbee.com/TeplitzReport about golfers’ success with the Q-Link by using the search feature.)

I consider the EMFs coming from cell phones and anything else electronic as a science experiment with all of us the subjects being studied. EMFs never existed on the planet before the invention of electronic gadgets. Now they are all around us. We experience them not only from our cell phone, but also from our computers, TVs, alarm clocks, bed lamps and even our car engines.

Just because the Denmark study found no connection between brain tumors and cell phones doesn’t mean that other effects don’t exist—we may just haven’t discovered them yet. There are many examples of our society employing a new “breakthrough” discovery which was supposed to be harmless to humans only to later discover the negative consequences.

A prime example is DDT. When DDT was invented, it was hailed as the miracle pesticide. Only later was it discovered that DDT caused the shells of birds’ eggs, including Bald Eagles, to become so thin that they broke before the chick could hatch.

Other examples are cigarettes and asbestos. It was many years before it was discovered how these substance negatively affected our health. Part of the difficulty is that it took years for symptoms to appear and many more years before scientists were able to make a connection. While I’m not saying there is a connection, at this point no one knows whether or not getting asthma, obesity, autism, heart disease, etc. might be related to EMFs. If there is a connection, like smoking cigarettes, it might not show up for 20 to 40 years.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been conducting research on EMFs since 1996 in conjunction with the FDA. As an example, some of their studies have reported that low frequency electromagnetic field exposure may suppress secretion of melatonin and that it may be a carcinogen for childhood leukemia.

In fact, the studies concluded that there was sufficient evidence from the childhood leukemia research to classify ELF magnetic fields as a "possible human carcinogen". WHO states that it will take years to determine if there are other definitive long-term effects to EMF exposure. Since their website contains dozens of "white paper" and fact sheets where you can find the above statements, you can go to: http://linkbee.com/WorldHealth

Q-link Besides the positive impact on golfers, I have personally received very positive feedback from people who have purchased a Q-Link from me.  So… I will continue to wear my Q-Link and continue to recommend it to others.* In fact, I'm offering a special Package, especially for couples - 2 Q-Links at my lowest price ever..... go to: Qlink Discount and Information.

If you would like to see all of my research on this topic, please email me directly with the request at teplitz.inc@gmail.com

Cut The Need For Arthritis Drugs By Using Cod Liver Oil

Since I’m talking about arthritis, there was a study reported in Rheumatology (March 24, 2008) about the impact of taking cod liver oil once a day for relief of arthritis pain.

The researchers gave patients either 10 g of cod liver oil or a placebo daily. After 12 weeks they found that 39% of the patients on the cod liver oil were able to reduce the need for drugs versus 10% for the placebo group.

So… to better control your rheumatoid arthritis use your mind and use cod liver oil.

Using Your Mind To Relieve Arthritis Pain

Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine have been busy. They also researched the impact of a meditation technique called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) on chronic arthritis.

The researchers found that people with rheumatoid arthritis who practiced MBSR for 6 months were 35% less distressed than those who didn’t use this method – even though their physical disease progressed at the same rates as the control group.

Other studies have shown that MBSR works to reduce pain by constantly refocusing the mind on the present moment. To learn how to do MBSR read Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

MP3 Players Can Damage Listener’s Hearing

The European Union committee responsible for warning of emerging health risks reports that nearly 10% of the people who listen to MP3 players (and iPods) risk going deaf if they tune in an hour a day for five years. The Royal National Institute of Deaf People, a U.K. service organization for the hearing impaired, reports that 60% of people age 16 to 30 were unaware of the risks to their hearing from these players.

On a personal note, a number of years ago, I purchased noise-canceling headsets to use when I fly to reduce the impact of the jet’s noise. After a number of months of using them, I noticed that I had developed ringing in my ears, called tinnitus. I realized it was from using the headsets and immediately stopped using them. While the ringing is still there, it has not gotten worse.

So…tell your kids and anyone you know about the danger. Suggest that they at least lower the volume below 100 decibels and use the player less than an hour a day.

Cut Hot Flashes In Half

Scientists at the Mayo Clinic studied 21 post-menopausal women who had at least 14 hot flashes per week. None of the women were using hormone replacement therapy. When the women sprinkled 4 tablespoons of crushed flaxseed daily into the foods that they were eating, such as yogurt, cereal, juice or water, the severity and the number of their hot flashes dropped 50%.

It took about six weeks to get these results. Also, the researchers suggest starting with 2 tablespoons and working up to the full amount because the added fiber can cause abdominal discomfort. Finally, make sure you are drinking a glass of liquid when you eat the flaxseed.

My suggestion is to get a grinder. Just grind up what you need to eat each day. You can do a Google search for flax seed grinders. So…ladies, now you can grind your way to cooler temperatures.
(Reported Prevention, January 2008)

Alternative Treatment For Shingles

An alternative treatment for shingles was reported by a newsletter subscriber of Dr. Julian Whitaker (Vol 19, No. 3). This person had a severe case of shingles, which can cause excruciating pain. He found very little help until he used an olive leaf capsule product sold by a company called Olivus.

His pain diminished within two days. He then started drinking 5 glasses per day of their loose tea and his symptoms were gone.

Dr. Whitaker believes that an antiviral substance in the olive leaf products boosted the person’s immune system.

To order this olive leaf product direct from the manufacturer, call 800 810-6655 or go to http://linkbee.com/OliveLeaf.

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No Cost TeleClass on Migraines & Headaches

March 26th, 2009 "OnLine" at 9PM-ET
by Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz

Register for free online Tele-Seminar Class:

I have been invited to conduct a training class at a speaking platform like no other and want to invite you to listen at no cost to you.  http://linkbee.com/MigraineHeadache

You can participate in as many classes as you wish from the comfort of your home and convenience of your telephone or computer.

At this platform you will be trained, motivated and inspired by some of the most respected speakers in the Health, Personal Development and Sales & Marketing Industries.

My Teleclass will be held on March 26, 2009 at 9PM ET, on "Use Your Fingers to Stop Migraines in 5 Minutes or Headaches in 90 Seconds".

Go to: http://linkbee.com/MigraineHeadache

For the month of March, scheduled speakers include:

Health Department: Dr. Leonard Coldwell, Raymond Francis, Heather Picken, Dr. Nancy Irwin, Fred Van Liew, Dr. Richard DiCenso, Dr. Jonny Bowden, Gurutej Kaur, Elaine Petrone, Glen Depke, Caroline Sutherland, Mark "Dr. Tea" Ukra, and Tal Shai.

Personal Development Department: Marie Diamond, Adrian Law, Eva Gregory, Dyan Garris, Colin Tipping, Joe Rubino, Ken Foster, Jill Lublin, Angela Treat Lyon, Marsha Petrie Sue, Larry Agresto, and Jody Colvard.

Sales & Marketing Department: Max Steingart, Mary Beth Lozano, Tim Nihoul, Emmanuel Segui, and Dave Sheffield.

Remember, these classes are being offered at no cost to you and you can listen from the comfort of your home and convenience of your telephone or computer.

Register today!

To Your Success,



Now that winter is here, I want to share with you in this month's report the impact of the lighting that's over your head at home and at work.  And you can watch other's share their comments on the lights "over their heads" here: Lighting Research Videos

First, let's look at sunlight. Sunlight is made up of balanced energy from across the entire light spectrum, while regular fluorescent tubes and light bulbs only contain a narrow part of that spectrum.

In recent years a significant body of research has linked the regular lighting to depression, increased stress levels, headaches, eyestrain, afternoon fatigue, sleep disturbances, and difficulty concentrating and learning.

The original research was done by Dr. John Ott in 1960. Ott did time lapse photography of plants growing and blooming for Walt Disney. Due to the difficulties Ott had in getting the flowers to bloom in the middle of the winter, he began to experiment with the variables. From this he discovered the impact that light had on the plant's growth.

Since that time there has been some fascinating research on the effects of light on humans. Let me summarize some of it:

1. In 1980, Dr. Alfred Lewy at the National Institute of Health showed how darkness produces a hormone in the brain that makes us sleepy. He then found that regular indoor lighting is interpreted by the brain's bineal gland as darkness. This means many people will feel depleted after being indoors all day.

2. In 1984, the American Medical Association officially recognized a form of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It occurs in late autumn and winter when there isn't a lot of outdoor light. The treatment is to be under a bank of natural spectrum tubes. (These natural spectrum tubes will even get rid of the mid-winter blahs.)

3. In the book Light - Medicine of the Future by Jacob Liberman, O.D., Ph.D. wrote that regular fluorescent tubes increased stress and absenteeism.

4. A five-year Canadian study conducted by Dr. Harry Wohlfarth found a link between lighting and levels of stress, absenteeism and overall achievement in the classroom.

So, what's the alternative?  Using fluorescent tubes, bulbs, and flood lights that simulate the natural spectrum of sun light.

Here's some feedback we've received from our clients. I think it's amazing that light can have such a powerful impact on how we feel and function.

"My company purchased and installed the lighting throughout our offices. The effect was instantaneous!  Our people commented on how nice the lighting was softer, brighter and less draining than the previous fluorescent tubes."
     Jan Turnbill
     Adelaide, Australia       
"When I first talked to your company five years ago, I was skeptical of the concept of full spectrum lighting.  We ordered a case of fluorescents for our meeting room as a test.  The results led us to completely relight our entire office building and personal homes with full spectrum lighting."
     Bob Teague
     American Hostess Corporation
     Reynoldsburg, OH
"Since replacing all of the bookstore's lights with the Excella, headaches are almost non-existent and dry eyes are a thing of the past.  We noticed an improvement in our eyes almost immediately. The headaches were gone in a day or two.  Our store is brighter overall. Some of the comments from employees and customers are: 'More natural, more like being outdoors'; 'I like them better, and I think they have improved co-workers moods'; 'I love them, everything looked so yellow before.'"
     Linda Rinker
     University of Wyoming Bookstore
     Laramie, WY
"I absolutely love the new lighting.  What a calming effect it has had within the office.  It's like we have skylights all over the office. Thank you for making a difference in our lives!"
     Kelly Herron
     Builder's 1st Choice
     Columbia, MD
"It is not too often that so many people agree on one item.  With the full spectrum lighting, the entire office work force is in agreement that this lighting has made a positive impact on their work environment."
     Gene Fahrney
     Baker Manufacturing Company
     Evansville, WI

Can you get these results yourself? Well, the best way to find out is to try the lighting yourself. I've talked to my supplier, and he's willing to let you try the tubes, bulbs and flood lights for 60 days. If after 60 days you decide you don't like the lighting, you can return it and receive a full refund. 

PLUS:  These lights are exceptionally long-lived. The light bulbs typically last 20,000 hours (that's the equivalent of 26 light bulbs), and the tubes last 33,000 hours (that's equal to 4 regular tubes).

Because of their long life they all come with the two-year replacement guarantee. (Burn-Out Guarantee)

More information and all details:  http://www.jtv-energy-lights.com

Non-Chemical Way to rid fleas, pests and moles from your yard...

There’s a great natural, non-chemical way to get rid of fleas and many other pests around your home in your backyard. It’s by using a tiny bug called a ...

... nematode.

This bug specializes in eating all kinds of grubs. In its earlier stage a flea is in the grub stage.

LiveJournal Tags: Dr. Jerry Teplitz,get rid of fleas,nematodes,moles,non-chemical pesticide,natural pesticide

As soon as the nematodes finish eating all the grubs in your lawn, they will die. This will rid your property of all kinds of bugs as well as fleas! (Moles love grubs, so when the grubs are gone, so are the moles!)

The nematodes come on a sponge and since they are microscopic, you’ll never see the millions of them there.

Just spread them on your lawn and let them do their work! To order the nematodes you can go to Yardiac, & search for "nematodes".

Yardiac.com - The Ultimate Garden Center

Try this before you try chemical pesticides, you'll be happier and so will your children and pets. There are natural ways to take care of pests while protecting the environment!

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Triggering The Birth Process

Triggering The Birth Process

I recently attended a seminar on Brain Gym® where the instructor Renate Wennekes shared some fascinating information of how the birth process kicks in. As it turns out, it’s the baby that starts the contraction process.

First, the mother’s hormones send a signal to the placenta telling it to stop delivering nutrients to the baby. This lack of nutrients forces the baby’s body to secrete hormones that start the birth process.

In effect, the mother’s body is saying to the baby, “if you’re hungry, you’d better get out of here.” It then takes three days of the baby pushing against the mother’s womb for it to open and the baby to be born. This lack of food also primes the baby to want to breast feed as soon as it’s out of the womb.

All I can say is pretty fancy process to get us born!

Treating Varicose Veins

Treating Varicose Veins

Back in November 1999, Dr Julian Whitaker reported on a review of 13 clinical studies which found favorable results treating varicose veins with horse chestnut extract.

Eight of the studies found horse chestnut to be superior to a placebo for decreasing edema, pain, itching and fatigue.

Five of the studies compared it to prescription medications or compression stockings and found it to be equally effective.

These results appear to be caused by the active ingredient in horse chestnut extract, called escin, which enhances the structure, function and tone of veins, which helps to prevent vascular leakage, pain and swelling. To order the extract, you can call 800-722-8008.

So…if you’ve got varicose veins, give horse chestnut extract a whirl.
(Whitaker Newsletter)

Bank Relights Entire Building with Full Spectrum

Bank Relights Entire Building

One of our clients, a bank in Indiana, did some experimenting with the full-spectrum lighting that I talk about at many of my programs.

At my suggestion, they lit the lower level of the bank offices, where there are no windows, with full-spectrum lighting.

The feedback was so positive that they have now relamped the other two floors of the building!

For Video Testimonials from business and individuals, you can watch them all here: Full Spectrum Videos

The New Way To Protect Our Foods – Cinnamon

The New Way To Protect Our Foods – Cinnamon

Yep…you read it right – cinnamon.

Cinnamon is being acknowledged as a way to protect our foods from molds and fungus. It turns out that cinnamon kills microbes. As an example of the impact of cinnamon, researchers took bread that was already tainted with mold and covered it with wax paper made with 6% cinnamon oil. The cinnamon wax paper inhibited mold growth by 96% and prolonged freshness by up to 10 days.

A separate study reported in the International Journal of Food Microbiology found that adding a few drops of cinnamon essential oil to carrot broth inhibited the growth of bacteria for 60 days. The results were so powerful that the researchers called cinnamon a viable “alternative to traditional food preservatives.”

Maybe it’s time to eliminate some of the chemicals that are going into our foods, and to preserve them with cinnamon. So…anyone want a hot chocolate with cinnamon or apple cider with cinnamon?

(Reported in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, August 13, 2008)

The Way You Talk To Seniors Can Affect Their Health

The Way You Talk To Seniors Can Affect Their Health

Did you know that the way health care professionals talk to older people that can actually affect their health? Some examples are:

· When the doctor talks to adult children about their elderly parent, who is right there, instead of talking directly to the person;

· The clerk who assumes that an older person needs to be addressed slowly or in a loud voice; or

· An older person is addressed by the health care worker using the familiar term “dear”, rather than the person’s name.

As reported in The Virginian Pilot, these innocent insults can have health consequences. A long-term study of 660 people over age 50 in a small Ohio town was published in 2002 by Rebecca Levy, a Professor at Yale University. Levy found that those who had positive perceptions of aging lived an average of 7.5 years longer.

Other studies found that older people exposed to negative portrayals of aging performed worse on memory tests, walked slower and had higher levels of stress. One study, to be published in December, used video tapes of older people with mild to moderate dementia and their care givers. It was observed that when the nurses used phrases like “good girl” or “How are we feeling?” patients were more aggressive and less cooperative or receptive to care.

The health care workers in those videos thought the statements that they were making conveyed that they cared. Instead the patient was interpreting the message as saying that the older person was incompetent.

So…when you are with an older person, talk to them and treat them as an adult.

Making Sure You Have Enough Vitamin D In Your System

Making Sure You Have Enough Vitamin D In Your System

As I’ve reported before, Vitamin D is becoming more and more important in disease prevention and healing. We are also discovering that many of us are deficient in Vitamin D.

Even though your own body can create it by being out in the sun without sunscreen, most of us spend very little time in the sun. This means we need to consider taking supplemental Vitamin D3 (D3 absorbs the best).

So how do you determine what level of Vitamin D you have in your body? You can get a baseline measurement by having a blood test, but you need to make sure your doctor is requesting the right one.

The best blood test is called 25(OH)D which translates to 25-hydroxyvitamin D. For optimum health your results should be higher than the normal range. Normal is 20-56 mg/ml, while optimal is 45-50 mg/ml. Also, make sure your level is never below 32 mg/ml.

Finally, ask what analysis system the lab is using. One testing method called the Quest system gives false results that appear to be 25-40% higher than the better test, the DiaSorin assay, which is available at LabCorp. In addition, the LabCorp test costs less than half of the Quest test.

So…get your Vitamin D level measured make sure it’s the right test and it’s being done via the right method.